Karol Szczepański, Makolab S.A.
Working with RDF data is not an easy task.
Either you've got to comply with the graph representation dropping all candies that the language you use gives (i.e. operators, inheritance, etc. in C#)...
... or you've got to switch to the language that has better support.
RDF graph is not an easy one itself and you've got to know i.e. SPARQL to query it. Yet another two more shortcuts to learn.
There is still hope!
There are ways that can ease the pain or even remove it!
Consider an example of portal.ChemicalSemantics.com. This portal provides a platform where computational chemistry scientists can publish their results using RDF data sets build with app related plugins.
There are several complex types like molecular systems, molecules, residues and so on with various, sometimes cyclic relations.
Quick look at the ontology resulted in few data contracts that mapped all necessary types and relations into interfaces and properties.
With either:
whole process enables ordinary C# codes to read, write and query RDF data!
</pub/smith-20150320174958/molSys/> a gc:MolecularSystem ; rdfs:label "Molecular System" ; dc:isPartOf </pub/smith-20150320174958/> ; gc:hasCalculationOn </pub/smith-20150320174958/mol-calc/> ; gc:hasSystemCharge [ a gc:FloatValue ; rdfs:label "System Charge" ; gc:hasFloatValue "0" ; gc:hasUnit gc:atomicUnit ] ; gc:hasSystemMultiplicity [ a gc:IntegerValue ; rdfs:label "System Multiplicity" ; gc:hasIntegerValue "1" ] ; gc:hasSystemTemperature [ a gc:FloatValue ; rdfs:label "Temperature" ; gc:hasFloatValue "0" ; gc:hasUnit unit:kelvin ] ; gc:holds </pub/smith-20150320174958/molSys/m1/> ; rdfs:comment "This molecular system has been generated by HyperChem and converted by cml2rdf." .
</pub/smith-20150320174958/> a gc:ComputationalChemistryPublication ; rdfs:label "Publication" ; dc:creator [ a dc:Agent ; schema:worksFor "organxyz" ; foaf:mbox "auth@hyper.com" ; foaf:name "authorxyz" ] ; dc:title "water pm3 vib" ; gc:hasInchiiKey [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "INCHII Key" ; gc:stringValue "n/a" ] ; gc:hasInput [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "Input" ; gc:stringValue "NA" ] ; gc:hasOrganization [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "Organization" ; gc:stringValue "organxyz" ] ; gc:hasOutput [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "Output" ; gc:stringValue "NA" ] ; gc:hasPublisher </pub/usr/smith/> ; gc:hasSource "HyperChem" ; gc:hasTag "pm3", "semi" ; gc:hasVisibility [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "Visibility" ; gc:stringValue "n/a" ] ; rdfs:comment "This is publication of computational chemistry result." .
</pub/smith-20150320174958/> a gc:ComputationalChemistryPublication ; rdfs:label "Publication" ; dc:creator [ a dc:Agent ; schema:worksFor "organxyz" ; foaf:mbox "auth@hyper.com" ; foaf:name "authorxyz" ] ; dc:title "water pm3 vib" ; gc:hasInchiiKey [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "INCHII Key" ; gc:stringValue "n/a" ] ; gc:hasInput [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "Input" ; gc:stringValue "NA" ] ; gc:hasOrganization [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "Organization" ; gc:stringValue "organxyz" ] ; gc:hasOutput [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "Output" ; gc:stringValue "NA" ] ; gc:hasPublisher </pub/usr/smith/> ; gc:hasSource "HyperChem" ; gc:hasTag "pm3", "semi" ; gc:hasVisibility [ a gc:stringValue ; rdfs:label "Visibility" ; gc:stringValue "n/a" ] ; rdfs:comment "This is publication of computational chemistry result." .
Few C# data contracts
[Class("gc", "MolecularSystem")] public interface IMolecularSystem : IEntityWithLabel { [Property("dcterms", "isPartOf")] IComputationalChemistryPublication Publication { get; set; } [Property("gc", "hasSystemCharge")] IFloatValue SystemCharge { get; set; } [Property("gc", "hasSystemMultiplicity")] IIntegerValue Multiplicity { get; set; } [Collection("gc", "holds")] IEnumerable<IMolecule> Holds { get; } }
[Class("gc", "Molecule")] public interface IMolecule : IEntityWithLabel { [Collection("gc", "hasAtom")] ICollection<IAtom> Atoms { get; } [Collection("gc", "hasResidue")] ICollection<IResidue> Residues { get; } }
[Class("gc", "Atom")] public interface IAtom : IEntityWithLabel, IEntityWithName { [Property("gc", "isElement")] string Element { get; set; } [Property("gc", "hasCoordinates")] IVectorValue Coordinates { get; set; } [Collection("gc", "hasBond")] IEnumerable<IBond> Bonds { get; } }
LINQ query for atoms matching 'O' letter
var atoms = from atom in entityContext.AsQueryable<IAtom>() where Regex.IsMatch(atom.Label, "o") select atom; foreach (var atom in atoms) { Console.WriteLine(atom.Label); }
... and it's corresponging SPARQL query
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> SELECT ?s ?p ?o ?Gatom0 ?atom0 WHERE { GRAPH ?Gatom0 { ?atom0 a <http://purl.org/gc/Atom> . ?atom0 <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?label0 . FILTER(REGEX(?label0,"o")) . ?s ?p ?o . } GRAPH <meta://graph/> { ?Gatom0 <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/primaryTopic> ?atom0 . } }
LINQ query for functional groups of type O-H
var groups = from molecule in entityContext.AsQueryable<IMolecule>() from atom in molecule.Atoms where atom.Element == "O" from bond in atom.Bonds from another in entityContext.AsQueryable<IMolecule>() from anotherAtom in another.Atoms where anotherAtom.Element == "H" from anotherBond in anotherAtom.Bonds where bond.Id == anotherBond.Id select molecule; foreach (var group in groups) { Console.WriteLine(group.Label); }
... and it's corresponding SPARQL query
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> SELECT ?s ?p ?o ?Gmolecule0 ?molecule0 WHERE { GRAPH ?Gmolecule0 { ?molecule0 a <http://purl.org/gc/Molecule> . ?molecule0 <http://purl.org/gc/hasAtom> ?atoms0 . ?s ?p ?o . } GRAPH <meta://graph/> { ?Gmolecule0 <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/primaryTopic> ?molecule0 . } GRAPH ?Gatoms0 { ?atoms0 a <http://purl.org/gc/Atom> . ?atoms0 <http://purl.org/gc/isElement> ?element0 . FILTER(?element0 = "O"^^xsd:string) . ?atoms0 <http://purl.org/gc/hasBond> ?bonds0 . } GRAPH ?Gbonds0 { ?bonds0 a <http://purl.org/gc/NormalBond> . FILTER(?bonds0 = ?bonds1) } GRAPH ?Ganother1 { ?another1 a <http://purl.org/gc/Molecule> . ?another1 <http://purl.org/gc/hasAtom> ?atoms1 . } GRAPH ?Gatoms1 { ?atoms1 a <http://purl.org/gc/Atom> . ?atoms1 <http://purl.org/gc/isElement> ?element1 . FILTER(?element1 = "H"^^xsd:string) . ?atoms1 <http://purl.org/gc/hasBond> ?bonds1 . } GRAPH ?Gbonds1 { ?bonds1 a <http://purl.org/gc/NormalBond> . FILTER(?bonds0 = ?bonds1) } }
What are the costs and drawbacks:
Romantic Web shortcomings:
Static language habits:
{ "@context": { "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/", "name": "foaf:name", "lastName": "foaf:familyName", "Person": "foaf:Person", "interests": "http://dbpedia.org/property/interests" }, "@id": "http://t-code.pl/#tomasz", "@type": "Person", "name": "Tomasz", "lastName": { "@value": "Pluskiewicz" }, "interests": [ "RDF", ".NET" ] }
(Other formats are transformed to JSON-LD first)
public class Person { public Uri Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public string[] Interests { get; set; } }
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