Who cares?
Developers Developers Developers
- Readability
- Maintainability
- Understandability
- Can't name
- Can't find a name for something
- Too lazy to name
Can't name?
- You don't understand the problem, think about it.
- Talk to someone about it (Rubber duck debugging).
The (function|variable|class|etc..) is doing too much.
So you should...Refactor!
Can't find a name for something?
Use a Thesaurus and look for synonyms of whatever it is that you're doing.
Or a dictionary...
Names to avoid
- No meaning (e.g. do_stuff)
- Same meaning, different places (e.g. display/show/present)
- Relative (e.g. new, old)
- Names that are too big.
I already have a crappy name, what should I do?