On Github JhossePaul / JhossePaul.github.io
Throughout my experience I have developed outstanding skills on diverse areas of mathematical modeling, namely:
Scientific programming
x = vector("numeric") for(i in 1:10000){ x[i] = mean(rnorm(100)) } hist(x)
Statistical modeling
y_{i} \sim \beta_{0} + \beta_1 X_{1} + \beta_{2} X_{2} + ... + \beta_{n} X_{n}
Dynamical systems
\dot{x}_{i} = x_{1} (f_{1} - \phi)
Stochastic processes
X_{t} = X_{t - 1} + X_{t - 2} + w_{t}
consolidate = function(dir = NULL, output = NULL){ # This function requires at least 2GB of memory require(rJava); options(java.parameters = "-Xmx2g" ) require(XLConnect) if(is.null(dir)){ stop("I need a some data to consolidate") } if(!is.null(output)){ output = paste(output, "Consolidation/", sep = "") if(!dir.exists(output)){ dir.create(output) } } else{ if(!dir.exists("Consolidation")){ dir.create("consolidation") } ...
\rho_{i} = \frac{1 + \prod_{i = 0}^N \sum_{j = 1}^N \frac{p_{i - 1}}{p_{i + 1}}}{1 + \prod_{i = 0}^{i - 1} \sum_{j = 1}^{N} \frac{p_{i - 1}}{p_{i + 1}}}
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