On Github Huxpro / js-module-7day
Web sites are turning into Web Apps
Code complexity grows as the site gets bigger
Highly decoupled JS files/modules is wanted
Deployment wants optimized code in few HTTP calls
function foo(){ //... } function bar(){ //... }
Global 被污染,很容易命名冲突
简单封装:Namespace 模式
var MYAPP = { foo: function(){}, bar: function(){} } MYAPP.foo();
减少 Global 上的变量数目
匿名闭包 :IIFE 模式
var Module = (function(){ var _private = "safe now"; var foo = function(){ console.log(_private) } return { foo: foo } })() Module.foo(); Module._private; // undefined
函数是 JavaScript 唯一的 Local Scope
再增强一点 :引入依赖
var Module = (function($){ var _$body = $("body"); // we can use jQuery now! var foo = function(){ console.log(_$body); // 特权方法 } // Revelation Pattern return { foo: foo } })(jQuery) Module.foo();
这就是模块模式 也是现代模块实现的基石
body script(src="jquery.js") script(src="app.js") // do some $ things...
Order is essential
Load in parallel
DOM 顺序即执行顺序
body script(src="zepto.js") script(src="jhash.js") script(src="fastClick.js") script(src="iScroll.js") script(src="underscore.js") script(src="handlebar.js") script(src="datacenter.js") script(src="deferred.js") script(src="util/wxbridge.js") script(src="util/login.js") script(src="util/base.js") script(src="util/city.js") script(src="util/date.js") script(src="util/cookie.js") script(src="app.js")
难以维护 Very difficult to maintain!
依赖模糊 Unclear Dependencies
请求过多 Too much HTTP calls
Loading And Blocking JavaScript
Using LABjs will replace all that ugly "script tag soup"
How Does It Works?
script(src="LAB.js" async)
$LAB.script("framework.js").wait() .script("plugin.framework.js") .script("myplugin.framework.js").wait() .script("init.js");
Executed in parallel?
First-come, First-served (when execution order is not important)
$LAB .script( [ "script1.js", "script2.js", "script3.js"] ) .wait(function(){ // wait for all scripts to execute first script1Func(); script2Func(); script3Func(); });
Dependency Management基于文件的依赖管理
YUI's lightweight core and modular architecture make it scalable, fast, and robust.
// YUI - 编写模块 YUI.add('dom', function(Y) { Y.DOM = { ... } }) // YUI - 使用模块 YUI().use('dom', function(Y) { Y.DOM.doSomeThing(); // use some methods DOM attach to Y })
Creating Custom Modules
// hello.js YUI.add('hello', function(Y){ Y.sayHello = function(msg){ Y.DOM.set(el, 'innerHTML', 'Hello!'); } },'3.0.0',{ requires:['dom'] })
// main.js YUI().use('hello', function(Y){ Y.sayHello("hey yui loader"); })
Let's Go A Little Deeper
// Sandbox Implementation function Sandbox() { // ... // initialize the required modules for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i += 1) { Sandbox.modules[modules[i]](this); } // ... }
Y 其实是一个强沙箱
所有依赖模块通过 attach 的方式被注入沙盒
attach:在当前 YUI 实例上执行模块的初始化代码,使得模块在当前实例上可用
Still "Script Tag Soup"?
script(src="/path/to/yui-min.js") // YUI seed script(src="/path/to/my/module1.js") // add('module1') script(src="/path/to/my/module2.js") // add('module2') script(src="/path/to/my/module3.js") // add('module3')
YUI().use('module1', 'module2', 'module3', function(Y) { // you can use all this module now });
漏了一个问题? Too much HTTP calls
How Combo Works
script(src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.0.0/build/yui/yui-min.js") script(src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.0.0/build/dom/dom-min.js")
↓ magic combo
script(src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo? 3.0.0/build/yui/yui-min.js& 3.0.0/build/dom/dom-min.js")
Serves multiple files in a single request
GET 请求,需要服务器支持
合并 Concat
压缩 Minify
混淆 Uglify
javascript: not just for browsers any more!
// math.js exports.add = function(a, b){ return a + b; }
// main.js var math = require('math') // ./math in node console.log(math.add(1, 2)); // 3
Magic Free Variable
NodeJS : Simple HTTP Server
// server.js var http = require("http"), PORT = 8000; http.createServer(function(req, res){ res.end("Hello World"); }).listen(PORT); console.log("listenning to " + PORT);
$ node server.js
// timeout.js var EXE_TIME = 2; (function(second){ var start = +new Date(); while(start + second*1000 > new Date()){} })(EXE_TIME) console.log("2000ms executed")
// main.js require('./timeout'); // sync load console.log('done!');
硬盘 I/O 网速 I/O HDD: 100 MB/s ADSL: 4 Mb/s SSD: 600 MB/s 4G: 100 Mb/s SATA-III: 6000 Mb/s Fiber: 100 Mb/s浏览器环境模块化方案
RequireJS 对模块定义的规范化产出
SeaJS 对模块定义的规范化产出
JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use
If require() is async?
//CommonJS Syntax var Employee = require("types/Employee"); function Programmer (){ //do something } Programmer.prototype = new Employee(); //如果 require call 是异步的,那么肯定 error //因为在执行这句前 Employee 模块根本来不及加载进来
this code will not work
//AMD Wrapper define( ["types/Employee"], //依赖 function(Employee){ //这个回调会在所有依赖都被加载后才执行 function Programmer(){ //do something }; Programmer.prototype = new Employee(); return Programmer; //return Constructor } )
looks familiar?
Sugar - simplified CommonJS wrapping
define(function (require) { var dependency1 = require('dependency1'), dependency2 = require('dependency2'); return function () {}; });
// parse out require... define( ['require', 'dependency1', 'dependency2'], function (require) { var dependency1 = require('dependency1'), dependency2 = require('dependency2'); return function () {}; });
AMD vs CommonJS
// Module/1.0 var a = require("./a"); // 依赖就近 a.doSomething(); var b = require("./b") b.doSomething();
// AMD recommended style define(["a", "b"], function(a, b){ // 依赖前置 a.doSomething(); b.doSomething(); })
Both OK
AMD vs CommonJS
// Module/1.0 var a = require("./a"); // 执行到此时,a.js 同步下载并执行
// AMD with CommonJS sugar define(["require"], function(require){ // 在这里, a.js 已经下载并且执行好了 var a = require("./a") })
Early Download, Early Executing
Extremely simple experience of modular development
More like CommonJS Style
define(function(require, exports) { var a = require('./a'); a.doSomething(); exports.foo = 'bar'; exports.doSomething = function() {}; });
// RequireJS 兼容风格 define('hello', ['jquery'], function(require, exports, module) { return { foo: 'bar', doSomething: function() {} }; });
AMD vs CMD - the truly different
// AMD recommended define(['a', 'b'], function(a, b){ a.doSomething(); // 依赖前置,提前执行 b.doSomething(); })
// CMD recommanded define(function(require, exports, module){ var a = require("a"); a.doSomething(); var b = require("b"); b.doSomething(); // 依赖就近,延迟执行 })
Early Download, Lazy Executing
RequireJS 最佳实践 跳过
require([ 'React', // 尽量使用 ModuleID 'IScroll', 'FastClick' 'navBar', // 和同目录下的 js 文件 'tabBar', ], function( React, // Export IScroll FastClick NavBar, TabBar, ) {
RequireJS 最佳实践
require.config({ // 查找根路径,当加载包含协议或以/开头、.js结尾的文件时不启用 baseUrl: "./js", // 配置 ModuleID 与 路径 的映射 paths: { React: "lib/react-with-addons", FastClick: "http://cdn.bootcss.com/fastclick/1.0.3/fastclick.min", IScroll: "lib/iscroll", }, // 为那些“全局变量注入”型脚本做依赖和导出配置 shim: { 'IScroll': { exports: "IScroll" }, }, // 从 CommonJS 包中加载模块 packages: [ { name: "ReactChart", location: "lib/react-chart", main: "index" } ] })
RequireJS 最佳实践
node r.js -o build.js
// build.js // 简单的说,要把所有配置 repeat 一遍 ({ appDir: './src', baseUrl: './js', dir: './dist', modules: [ { name: 'app' } ], fileExclusionRegExp: /^(r|build)\.js$/, optimizeCss: 'standard', removeCombined: true, paths: { React : "lib/react-with-addons", FastClick: "http://cdn.bootcss.com/fastclick/1.0.3/fastclick.min", IScroll: "lib/iscroll" }, shim: { 'IScroll': { exports: "IScroll" }, }, packages: [ { name: "ReactChart", location: "lib/react-chart", main: "index" } ] })
Node Package Manger
Browsers don't have the require method defined, but Node.js does.
(2011 / 2014 stable)
require('modules') in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies
$ npm install -g browserify
# magic just happened! $ browserify main.js -o bundle.js
A Little Low-Level
Browserify parses the AST for require() calls to traverse the entire dependency graph of your project.
每一次改动都需要手动 recompile ?
No, auto-recompile.
$ npm install -g watchify
# WATCH! $ watchify app.js -o bundle.js -v
Build 后要如何 Debug
# debug mode $ browserify main.js -o bundle.js --debug
$ npm run [command] [-- <args>]
// package.json { //.... "scripts": { "build": "browserify app.js -o bundle.js", "watch": "watchify app.js -o bundle.js -v" } }
transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset
Webpack For Browserify Users
# These are equivalent: $ browserify main.js > bundle.js $ webpack main.js bundle.js
// better with a webpack.config.js module.exports = { entry: "./main.js", output: { filename: "bundle.js" } }
# make sure your directory contains webpack.config.js # Development: debug + devtool + source-map + pathinfo webpack main.js bundle.js -d # Production: minimize + occurence-order webpack main.js bundle.js -p # Watch Mode webpack main.js bundle.js --watch
Everything is already there!
Browserify vs Webpack
webpack 特别增强篇
Compatibility (CommonJS, AMD, ES6...)
Code Splitting
Loaders & Plugins
Development Tools & Workflow
// webpack.config.js module.exports = { entry: './main.js', output: { filename: 'bundle.js' }{, module: { loaders: [{ test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader' }] }} }
JSX Demo
There are many other static resources that need to be handled
// Ensure the stylesheet is loaded require('./bootstrap.css'); // get a URL or DataURI var myImage = document.createElement('img'); myImage.src = require('./myImage.jpg');
They are part of dependency graph
// CSS Preprocesser require('./style.less'); require('./anotherStyle.scss'); // Compile-to-JS Language var myModule = require('./myModule.coffee'); var myTypedModule = require('./myTypedModule.ts');
Universal Module System
var webpackConfig = { module: { loaders: [{ test: /\.scss$/, loaders: 'style!css!sass' }, { test: /\.(png|jpg|svg)$/, loader: 'url?limit=20480' //20k }] }} }
Deal with CSS problems
Inlining your images to DataURI
var config = { entry: ['webpack/hot/dev-server', './app/main.js'], module: { loaders: [{ test: /\.(js|jsx)$/, loaders: ['react-hot', 'babel'] }] }, plugins: [ //Enables Hot Modules Replacement new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(), ], };
split your codebase into “chunks” which are loaded on demand.
More Resources
(Until ECMAScript 6)
Use next generation JavaScript, today.
Let's get into it!!
// math.js export default math = { PI: 3.14, foo: function(){} }
// app.js import math from "./math"; math.PI
# babel magic! $ babel-node app.js
// components.js import Button from './Button'; import Header from './Header'; // use property value shorthand export { Button, Header }
// app.js import { Button, Header } from "./components";
Sooooo Awesome!
// export Declaration export function foo(){ console.log('I am not bar.'); }
// export VariableStatement; export var PI = 3.14; export var bar = foo; // function expression
// export { ExportsList } var PI = 3.14; var foo = function(){}; export { PI, foo };
// import { ImportsList } from "module-name" import { PI } from "./math"; import { PI, foo } from "module-name";
// import IdentifierName as ImportedBinding import { foo as bar } from "./math"; bar(); // use alias bar
// import NameSpaceImport import * as math from "./math"; math.PI math.foo()
“ 习惯了就会觉得很好用的 (´Д` ) ”
Hey, don't be shy.