Gregory Mazurek / Lead Engineer at Gilt Groupe
Best viewed on Google Chrome Canary
Think about engineering and designing for the mobile web like you would furnish a NYC apartment
Robert Am Stern, 15 CPW
14 Convent Ave
5 main pages
If you can't have it all, how do you choose?
Keep only the things you need?
Keep only the things you love?
Keep only the things your user uses?
In an apartment, it's the bed, the refrigerator, the stove, the lamp
For a website, you have to figure out which are the most important items
Framework to help you think about what to feature
"We are currently witnessing a re-architecture of the web, away from pages and destinations, towards completely personalised experiences built on an aggregation of many individual pieces of content."
Card UI isn't really new
and it's not a spec
it's a design pattern that encourages you to focus on the content that really matters to your users
added bonus is that it's standardizing how the front-end looks and feels
In the context of Card UI, imagine each "card" represented by a DOM element.
Did I lose you?
Take this card, for example:
Web-components is a standard that would allow me to embed that "card" into my webapp with a DOM element like:
Templates are inert chunks of markup that can be activated for later use.
Decorators apply the templates.
Custom elements are defined by the engineer.
Shadow DOM encapsulates the DOM tree for more reliable composition of user interface elements.
<template id="gilt-product"> <div class="demo-product"> <a class="demo-product-url" href=""> <div class="demo-image-wrapper"> <img class="demo-url" src=""> </div> <div class="demo-details"> <div class="demo-brand">Brand Name</div> <div class="demo-title">Title</div> <div class="demo-price">Price</div> </div> </a> </div> </template>
var XFooPrototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); XFooPrototype.createdCallback = function() { var template = document.getElementById("gilt-product"); var clone = document.importNode(template.content, true); document.querySelector('.live-demo').appendChild(clone); var a = document.querySelector('.demo-product-url'); a.href = ""; }; var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-gilt-product', { prototype: XFooPrototype });
I couldn't see the demo!
Web-components aren't supported by default... anywhere
Except Google Chrome Canary
But there's a polyfill called polymer!
But why create polyfills for a feature my users can't see?
And, has a ways to go.
And even worse, web-components may change before it gets released.
You just wasted my time!
Why should I care?
And how does this frame how I think about design and engineering the mobile web?
Web-components is trying to solve for the same problem that Card UI is trying to solve. Except, it is solving it from an engineering perspective in addition to design perspective.
Using web-components will only encourage us to better think about the characteristics of Card UI.
How do I make something simple to consume? How do I choose what to display? How can I share this with others?Instead of thinking about how to make a PAGE responsive, we can begin to think about how to make individual COMPONENTS responsive.
In the context of mobile, we want our mobile web experiences to show the minimum number of things to create the best user experience.
<x-gilt-navigation></x-gilt-navigation> <x-gilt-hero></x-gilt-hero> <x-gilt-sale> <x-gilt-product></x-gilt-product> <x-gilt-product></x-gilt-product> <x-gilt-product></x-gilt-product> </x-gilt-sale> <x-gilt-footer></x-gilt-footer>
<x-gmw-navigation></x-gmw-navigation> <x-gilt-sale> <x-gmw-product></x-gmw-product> <x-gmw-product></x-gmw-product> <x-gmw-product></x-gmw-product> </x-gilt-sale> <x-gmw-footer></x-gmw-footer>
where each web-component is like an item in an apartment
you design the best individual pieces that you can
so that they are reusable, embeddable, and shareable
with the goal that that your mobile web user experiences start to look like this
Small space, beautiful components.