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Before starting, open Network tab and reload so we track it all and don't have to refresh later to demo. Then open slide notes!
Girl Develop It is here to provide affordable and accessible programs to learn software through mentorship and hands-on instruction.
Some "rules"
Tell us about yourself.
Debugging client-side code was hard for a long time.
CSS had a lot of this:
div.classname { outline: 1px solid green; } body { background: red !important; }
and JS had a lot of this:
( a.k.a. alert(); all the things! )
Beware, an alert will pop up for the final fragment.
So basically:
Totally not fun
Web debugging got infinitely better in early 2006.
Webkit Introduced the “Web Inspector”
Joe Hewitt introduced Firebug for Firefox
IE didn’t have equivalent debugging tools until IE8 was released in 2009.
Chrome wasn't released until 2008.
Most developers used Firebug, since at the time, Safari was just that browser that people use on those weird Mac computers.
As of this authoring (2015), all major browsers have access to feature-parity, but Chrome is the only one that is platform agnostic (compare IE/Safari) and doesn't rely on third-party plugins (Firebug/Firefox)
Chrome Developer Tools is…
… and more!
Open Developer Tools
Mac: option+command+i Win: alt+control+i
Pro of right-alignment: the computed styles tab is usually visible when in Element view—very handy for CSS workflows, less important when you're focusing on JS
Toggle Console
Console can also be on its own tab, which we'll cover later.
No need to cover all the settings—people can play around on their own later.
Mention cache disabling, JS disabling
What is the DOM?
Think of it as your HTML…
…+ anything JS adds.
The Elements Tab is a visual representation of how the browser sees the DOM.
You can explore the nested levels by clicking the arrows next to elements.
You can inspect any element on the page to learn more about it.
Use the context menu (right-click) to:
Drag and drop to reorder elements
When an element is selected, all of the CSS rules that are applied show in the Styles section, ordered by specificity.
You can see what is applied, what is overridden, and what is invalid.
Explain that at different screen breakpoints, box model and computed sections may be in a separate tab.
Press down for slides on specificity, if time allows and audience needs that level of coverage
Specificity refers to how CSS rules are applied based on ordering, inheritance, and the cascade (the 'C' in CSS).
Order matters, so do selectors. Code as simply as possible. Complex selectors modify specificity in complex ways!
div { color: lime; }
.orange { color: orange; } [href^="http"] { color: purple; }
#specialsnowflake { color: gray; }
style="color: black;"
Further reading:
Beginners: Specifics on CSS Specificity @ CSS-Tricks
Advanced: A Specificity Battle @ CSS-Tricks
You can manipulate CSS by changing attributes, adding them, using a color picker, and more!
Remember, these changes aren't saved, but it's great for dialing in styles before you put them in your code.
You can add new selectors by clicking the plus icon, or inline styles in the element.style section.
You can also force element states to easily modify the styles that are applied there by clicking the pin icon.
The Animations section gives you tools to debug CSS animations. Open it by clicking the stacked diamonds icon.
Demo speed, change easing function and show curve in graph
Set screen size, pixel ratio, throttle network, and more…
Emulation is inexact. You're spoofing sizes, UA to some degree, but it doesn't take the place of testing on a specific device for interaction, certain CSS properties, etc.
See how CSS applies with different media queries and quickly jump to those different sizes.
That’s a lot so far…
Let it all sink in
Think they're doing okay? Pull up the let's develop it section instead.
The Console allows you to interact with your page and Dev Tools through JavaScript.
At its most basic, it's a REPL—you can execute basic JS commands in it.
There is also a Console API that makes debugging much more streamlined than a bunch of alert() messages.
console.log('A debugging message to show'); console.warn('A fancier message!');
You can use filters to sort through the different types of messages in the console.
There's some JS attached to this slide. It'll console.warn about the notes. And throw a fake error.
Act shocked. "You're getting a view of my secret notes for this slide! Oh no!"
We can filter the various console message types.
Show the JavaScript that handles all of this.
The Console will also show messages from the browser, network issues, and actual errors in your JavaScript.
There are many ways to use the Console API, and there’s much more to learn.
Using the Console @ Google Developer DevTools docs
Caveat Developer: it's a best practice to remove any Console API calls before releasing code, because it will break your JS in browsers that don't support the Console API!
Our JavaScript errors, warnings, and logs link to the exact code that triggered them in the Sources Tab*
* Minified JS makes it difficult to debug, so use unminified code when testing, but switch to minified for production
Ever wish you could just make your JS stop at a certain point so you can study your variables?
debugger; triggers a special state so that you can do that.
Press the blue arrow at the top of the page to continue JS execution, or the arrow over a dot to jump to the next line of your script.
You can set breakpoints in the Sources Tab to stop your JS when it gets to a certain point.
Click Me!There will be more time for breakpoints when you demo performance, if you want to step through the tricky slowFunction()
It may be important to know when your DOM is changed by JS. You can set DOM breakpoints too.
Click Me!The Profile Tab allows you to see the CPU usage of your JavaScript. This lets you check for poor performance.
Slow Function Fast FunctionThe Timeline Tab allows you to see a lot more information about your page’s performance.
Check out the timeline from our slowFunction().
Warning: Timelines are resource hogs! Stick to recording a few seconds at a time.
Talk about how our example is very script-heavy, but low on animations. Other things might have a lot more rendering or painting time.
Animation examples? http://codepen.io/juliangarnier/pen/idhuG http://mrdoob.github.io/three.js/examples/css3d_periodictable.html
Is your brain full yet?
Let it all sink in
Web pages are rarely made from a single HTML file. The Network Tab shows us all of the different requests our page makes.
Each request in the Network tab shows important information, including:
Learn more about what all those mean at HTTP Protocol @ Tutsplus
Talk about checking for 404s
Advanced: make sure you're making the correct call type (post v get)
Good chance for GA tracking check: http://girldevelopit.com filter to utma for GA
show API call to meetup for upcoming events? https://www.girldevelopit.com/chapters/burlington
You can use the timeline on the Network tab to learn about performance of your page:
The Resources Tab shows us additional information and data our page has access to, like cookies, local storage, and session storage.
It also shows all the files comprising your page, and updates as additional requests are made (e.g. lazy loaded images).
sessionStorage.setItem('mySessionItem','Some info I want to store in the session');
The Security Tab shows us information about the SSL Encryption, and security certificates for the various domains the page requests resources from.
https://www.google.com/ (good security, bad audit) https://css-tricks.com/ (mixed security, bad audit)
The Audits Tab shows us information about overall performance of the page, and how we might be able to speed up loading times.
Everything doesn't have to be green, as you can see! But it gives you things to think about.
Still have some time?
Show more complex console API stuff https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/console
Demo workspaces?
Mention gray hat stuff? Like, you can change input type of a password to text and it'll show the saved password. You can kill overlays and modal windows to access content below You can keep Pinterest from blocking pins