On Github EmmanuelOga / js-knockout-presentation
The first solution...
<div id="widget1" class="widget"> <input class="from" type="text" value="01/01/2013" /> <input class="to" type="text" value="02/31/2013" /> <button class="month">Month</button> <button class="week">Week</button> <button class="all">All</button> <br/> <button>Show current range</button> </div>
// repeat for each range: all, month, week $buttonMonth = $widget.find(".month") $buttonMonth.on "click", (ev) -> $buttonMonth.addClass("selected") $buttonWeek.removeClass("selected") $buttonAll.removeClass("selected") $from.val(monthAgo); $to.val(max)
$buttonProfit.on "click", (ev) -> range = $widget.find("button.selected:first").attr("class") alert(range)
Oh no...
syncButtonsAndInputs = () -> $buttonMonth.removeClass("selected") $buttonWeek.removeClass("selected") $buttonAll.removeClass("selected") $buttonAll.addClass("selected") if $from.val() == min and $to.val() == max $buttonMonth.addClass("selected") if $from.val() == monthAgo and $to.val() == max $buttonWeek.addClass("selected") if $from.val() == weekAgo and $to.val() == max $buttonMonth.on "click", (ev) -> $from.val(monthAgo); $to.val(max); syncButtonsAndInputs(); $from.on "keyup", syncButtonsAndInputs $to.on "keyup", syncButtonsAndInputs
class DateSelector constructor: (@from, @to) -> @knownRanges = week: { from: moment(@to).subtract('days', 7), to: @to }, month: { from: moment(@to).subtract('days', 30), to: @to }, all: { from: @from, to: @to } setRange: (name) => @from = @knownRanges[name].from; @to = @knownRanges[name].to inRange: (name) => @knownRanges[name].from == @from and @knownRanges[name].to == @this.to currentRange: (name) => for key in @knownRanges return key if @inRange(key)
dateSelector = new DateSelector("01/01/2013", "28/02/2013") it "defaults to showing the whole range", -> expect(dateSelector.currentRange()).toEqual "all" it "allows changing ranges", -> expect(dateSelector.inRange("all")).toEqual true expect(dateSelector.inRange("week")).toEqual false expect(dateSelector.currentRange()).toEqual "all" dateSelector.setRange "week" expect(dateSelector.inRange("all")).toEqual false expect(dateSelector.inRange("week")).toEqual true expect(dateSelector.currentRange()).toEqual "week"
ds = new DateSelector "01/01/2013", "02/31/2013" $buttonMonth.on "click", -> ds.setRange("month"); $from.val(ds.from); $to.val(ds.to) if (ds.inRange("month")) $buttonMonth.addClass("selected") else $buttonMonth.removeClass("selected") $from.on "keyup", -> ds.from = $from.val(); ds.to = $to.val(); syncButtonsAndInputs()
var ds = new DateSelector("01/01/2013", "02/31/2013"); ko.applyBindings window.document.getElementByID("widget5")
<div id="widget5" class="widget"> <input type="text" data-bind="{ value: from }"/> <input type="text" data-bind="{ value: to }"/> <button data-bind="{click: setMonth }, css: {selected: isMonth })">Month</button> <button data-bind="{click: setWeek }, css: {selected: isWeek })">Week</button> <button data-bind="{click: setAll }, css: {selected: isAll })">All</button> <br/> <button data-bind="{click: showRange }">Profit!</button> </div>...compare with the old HTML
describe 'SaveModal', -> it 'Validates input', -> user = new MonitorPublicApp.User server.respond() saveModal = new MonitorPublicApp.SaveModal(user) saveModal.currentEntry(' ') (expect saveModal.errorMessage()).toEqual 'Name must not be blank.' saveModal.currentEntry('Google') (expect saveModal.errorMessage()).toEqual 'That name is taken.'
it "Loads a report with saved comparisons and enters and saves a new one", -> countReport = new MonitorPublicApp.CountReport server.respond() # Respond with bookmarks expect(countReport.title()).toEqual 'Comparisons' expect(countReport.savedStatusMessage()).toEqual 'Save Changes' countReport.showSaveModal() # Open modal countReport.saveModal.currentEntry('NewEntry') # Doesn't already exist expect(countReport.saveModal.isInvalidInput()).toBe false countReport.saveModal.onAction() # Trigger save action in modal server.respond() (expect countReport.user.bookmarks().length).toEqual 3 (expect countReport.title()).toEqual 'NewEntry' (expect countReport.savedStatusMessage()).toEqual 'Saved!' (expect countReport.user.viewingSavedBookmark()).toBe true
Logic and presentation is separated. Is easier to create different views for the same model or add more logic.
To reuse a component, create another instance and bind it to the DOM.
Removed the need to write tons of boilerplate code.