How to organize the app/config directory
feeling comfortable is better than best practices
(so next tips are suggestions, not rules)Keep control while the application grows
Prevent big configuration files
Be ready for changes
// app/config/common/imports.php foreach (glob(__DIR__.'/*.yml') as $file) { $loader->import($file); }
# app/config/config.yml imports: - resource: parameters.yml - resource: security.yml - resource: services.yml - resource: common/imports.phpinstead of
# app/config/config.yml imports: - resource: parameters.yml - resource: security.yml - resource: services.yml - resource: common/fos_elastica.yml - resource: common/fos_rest.yml - resource: common/fos_user.yml - resource: common/jms_serializer.yml # - resource: common/... # - resource: common/... # - resource: common/... # - resource: common/... # - resource: common/...
// app/config/common/imports.php foreach (glob(__DIR__.'/*/*.yml') as $file) { $loader->import($file); }
app/config/ common/ imports.php fos/ user.yml rest.yml jms/ serializer.yml
implicit settings are better
adapt to changes
to freeze configs, freeze composer versions
(good) bundles already fill empty/poor configurations
sensio_framework_extra: view: annotations: falseCompiled version:
sensio_framework_extra: view: annotations: false router: annotations: true request: converters: true auto_convert: true cache: annotations: true security: annotations: true expression_language: psr_message: enabled: false
# example-1/config.yml fos_user: registration: confirmation: enabled: false # example-1/config_prod.yml fos_user: registration: confirmation: enabled: true
wrong assertion: dev == test == * != prod
# example-2/config.yml fos_user: registration: confirmation: from_email: # ... enabled: false # example-2/config_prod.yml imports: - resource: config.yml fos_user: registration: confirmation: enabled: true
reduced repetitions
# example-3/config.yml fos_user: registration: confirmation: from_email: %confirmation_from_email% enabled: %confirmation_enabled%
variables-based configuration
environment-based configuration
Creating a bundle? Parameters are great, use them!
# common/doctrine_cache.yml doctrine_cache: providers: foo: memcached: servers: 11211 bar: memcached: servers: 11211 test: memcached: servers: 11211common solution
# common/doctrine_cache.yml doctrine_cache: providers: foo: type: memcached bar: type: memcached test: type: memcached # parameters.yml parameters: memcached01.ssbest solution
the identifier is the full namespace lowercase, without the Bundle suffix
underscores separate uppercase letters
(snake_case)a dot instead of the backslash
if a class/interface is suffixed with the directory name, remove it
References PR:
Questions? Send me a tweet @EmanueleMinotto