– Hybrid Mobile Web Apps with AngularJS Ionic – Which possibilities do you have?

– Hybrid Mobile Web Apps with AngularJS Ionic – Which possibilities do you have?

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On Github Dr4K4n / presentation-angular-webapps

Hybrid Mobile Web Apps with AngularJS Ionic

          I love the web, I love to program for the web.

          In fact I love it so much, this presentation is a website! 
          on github ;)

          But before we get to the real topic, a few words about myself.
            Some of you may ask yourself. 

            "Never heard of him, what does he even do around here?"

about me

  • IT Consultant / Software Engineer
  • B.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • PRODYNA Düsseldorf since 10/2011
  • Bucher Reisen ever since
  • SCMA & ESD - Web Technologies
  • Linux
            the last point is important, I use linux on a everyday basis. But to give this presentation a had to use windows, GoToMeeting doesn't work under Linux.
Data from PRODYNA OnAir
prepared by a tiny JavaScript

enough about myselfs, lets talk about mobile web apps





          what I mean with "Mobile Web App"

            Why Mobile Web Apps? Is it a good idea?

            - as soon as you are convinced -

            How to build a mobile web app

mobile web apps

  • look like normal apps to install on a smartphone/tablet
  • implemented with HTML5/JS instead of Java/Objective-C
  • not websites that are viewed on a mobile device
            some of the stuff I tell you is also valid for mobile websites, with slight changes


talk about different possibilities for mobile apps


goal is, you should be able to make a reasonable decision

Which possibilities do you have?

  • Native
  • Hybrid Web
  • other hybrid approaches
              we'll focus on the first too, but I'll tell you little bit about the others

native development

Android iOS Windows Phone languages Java, C Objective-C, Swift C#, Visual Basic, C++ tools Eclipse/Android Studio MacOS, XCode Windows, Visual Studio
- different platforms

- each has its own programming language

- each has its own development environment

- even different operating systems needed!

Hybrid Web

website + "mini browser" = native app

  • adobe phonegap/apache cordova
  • Appcelerator Titanium
              phonegap/cordova is the "market leader"

              Appcelerator Titanium uses native UI and javascript for the application logic
              "Interpreted" hybrid apps. -> limited functionality

              phonegap "on steriods" / 
              without HTML good/bad / 
              new HEAVY APIs :-(

              Phonegap vs. cordova?
              - initially named phonegap
              - bought from adobe
              - code contributed to apache, named "cordova"
              - cordova is the open source
              - functionally nearly identical

other hybrids

  • RhoMobile
  • Xamarin
  • XML VM
  • applause

              whole runtime delivered on the phone (App Store problems!)
              - rhomobile (ruby)
              - xamarin (mono, formerly monotouch)

              - BAD tool support (debugger)
              - Problems with the app store (runtime not allowed)


              XML VM (cross compiler)
              introspect Android Java-Code -> XML -> stack machine (XSLT) -> Objective-C
              - doesn't work for platform specific components (UI)

              EMF, XTEXT, XPAND
              - domain (backend integrated apps, games)
              - write a DSL for this domain
              - generate APPS
              - BIG INITIAL INVESTMENT (only sensible if you want to develop many similar apps)

              enterprise app stores

What are the advantages?


What are the use cases?

            you now have a basic idea of the two most common approaches

            when should i use which?

            the customer just wants a great app, in most cases he doesn't really care how it is implemented


  • possibilities
  • performance
  • styling
  • multiple platforms
  • programming language
              things are good

              multiple platforms/languages are a problem

              -> hard/much to learn

              So, when is it a good idea to use native development?


  • you only need to support one platform
  • styling is super-important (end user market)
  • deep device integration (widgets, notifications, share)
              - styling is important to business users, but you can develop web apps that look pretty sharp

              - gps, camera, etc. not that much of a problem

              - device integration: you will later see, this is not that much of a problem.
              - depending on how deep you wanna get, you need to compare the effots (write cordova plugin vs. implement everything native)



              - spotify uses lock screen widgets, share functionalities, audio playing, bluetooth a2dp integration

              - facebook was a web app, moved to native because of performance (August 2012 - over 2 years ago)

              - youtube is native, video playing, sharing, widgets


lets compare web against this

Hybrid Web

  • multiple platforms
  • programming language
  • development
  • performance
  • limited possibilities
  • styling
            development = instant feedback, no emulator, only a webbrowser!

              the last two are no "hard" cons.
              You CAN do this, its just a little more complicated.
              Performance is okay, brwosers are getting faster every day

Hybrid Web

  • business apps
  • small apps (functionality)
  • combined development of app and website
              - business: forms, data driven, UI not 100% important, performance not critical

Hybrid Web


              news app, not much more functionality than read articles

              - wikipedia, also not many fancy features

              - itunes, is a great hybrid app!
            so, are some great mobile web apps.

            Why not make some more of them? I say


WebApps are fast

WebApps look fabolous

WebApps are ready for production

          endusers can hardly notice the difference

          I will show you what can be done today.

          BUT I STILL HAVE SOME DOUBTS! Web development is not that much cooler!

website vs web app

What about...

  • offline?
  • gps and camera?
  • styling?
  • JavaScript? really?
            offline: no traditional request/response with a server possible

            gps/camera: easy!

            styling: BUT I HATE CSS! There is help out there!

            JavaScript is ugly!

            It's not all that bad (anymore)

            let me start with the last one first



It is better now.

  • it is fast
  • good tools
  • good frameworks
  • HTML5 makes things easier
              with every modern website, these are the 3 to help you

              HTML5, JavaScript (ECMAScript) 5, CSS3 (like the fancy animations of this presentation)


Most of them are based on - a platform to run JavaScript with Googles V8 engine outside of the browser

depend scaffold develop check test build debug bower yeoman WebStorm jslint jasmine grunt Chrome dev tools
also to note npm, sublime text, karma, phantomjs, protractor, gulp, firefox

javascript debugging



demo - debugging. t3n.de im chrome vorbereiten und zeigen

website styling

  • responsive webdesign
this is valid for NORMAL websites

            Fpr Mobile Apps "only" smartphones/tablets
just a quick sidenote on responsive webdesign

there is much more to it. But you get the basic idea

Number of device sales

rapid growth / already more

also mobile devices in companies get more important (PD Stream)

just to give you some perspective

web app styling

  • user experience
  • gestures
  • portrait/landscape
            What's different to web site styling. additionally

            IDEAS ?

              UX = User expects an "App" to behave diffent than a website. (slide in menu)

              one hand (phone) - two hands (tablet/pc)

              swipe, pinch to zoom

there are a lot of frameworks to support you. CSS and JS

  • Bootstrap (Angular-UI)*
  • Ionic
  • jQuery Mobile
  • Sencha Touch
  • FeedHenry
  • OnsenUI
  • KendoUI
  • ...
"Who knows bootstrap?" -> webseite zeigen bootstrap

            Liferay 6.2 Bootstrap! 

            * Bootstrap not really for MOBILE

            ionic - CSS components for mobile

            basically they both use a grid to be "responsive"

            some have backend integration or bring own backends!

device integration

  • camera
  • microphone
  • location (gps/network/wifi)
  • device orientation
  • filesystem

HTML5 has APIs for all of them.

            SO FAR LEARNT: Styling can be done, looks cool

              which hardware makes a phone special? different from a pc?

device integration

phonegap has plugins to use even more. They wrap native APIs/libraries into JavaScript.

  • choose image from gallery
  • use google speech recognition
  • use native dialogs
  • notifications
  • make in-app purchases
  • recieve intents/accept URLs
            device integration also means:

              integrate into the phone operating system?

              EXAMPLE: Click on a youtube link in facebook app or website -> youtube app

device integration

Where is it getting complicated?

  • widgets
  • background services

You can implement this native and still include it

Where are the limits? 

            Its only a matter of time!

            Hybrid, there are some cordova plugins, maybe even write your own?


  • SPAs = "fat clients"
  • Data storage beyond cookies
  • Online/Offline events

Again HTML5 to the rescue

no server (request/response)

"state" - close app, open app, resume!


some examples

All of these are SPAs that work offline

We need this for Mobile Apps too!

Sidenote: Is it complicated? NEXT SLIDE



textarea = {
  textarea: null,
  init: function() {
    this.textarea = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
  load: function() {
    this.textarea.value = localStorage.getItem('text');
  save: function() {
    localStorage.setItem('text', this.textarea.value);
              So, everything clear, right?

              It seems possible, so HOW best to do it?


I will present you my stack to build mobile web apps.

my stack

  • Ionic Framework
    • AngularJS
    • Apache cordova
  • Adobe PhoneGap Build service
            no iphone/Mac/Android/windows needed (but good for testing and initial setup...)

            I will give a short introduction on all of these

Angular is what HTML would have been had it been designed for applications
  • developed by former Java Developers at Google
  • client side JavaScript-SPA-MVC framework
  • templating
  • "web components"
  • 2-way data binding
  • dependency injection
A really quick introduction to angular

            MVC built in! There is no way without a controller!

            controllers and services are the essential components

            Injection?! Data-Binding?! -> really powerful tools, some EXAMPLES ahead!

Hello {{yourName}}!

<script src="angular.min.js"></script>

<body ng-app>

  <input type="text" ng-model="yourName" placeholder="Enter a name">
  <h1>Hello {{yourName}}!</h1>

            One-Way Databinding EXAMPLE

              Data binding is really easy and very powerful.

              Works not only directly in HTML, also in the services and controllers.

Only a list

Hide old stuff

  • {{thing.name}}
var module = angular.module('ListApp', []);

module.controller('ListCtrl', function ($scope) {
  $scope.things = [
    { name: "AngularJS", color: "Red", hidden: false },
    { name: "Vaadin", color: "Blue", hidden: false },
    { name: "Wicket", color: "orange", hidden: false }

  $scope.hideOldStuff = function() {
    $scope.things[1].hidden = !$scope.things[1].hidden;
    $scope.things[2].hidden = !$scope.things[2].hidden;
<div ng-controller="ListCtrl">
  <h1>Only a list</h1>
  <button ng-click="hideOldStuff()">Hide old stuff</button>
    <li ng-repeat="thing in things" style="color:{{thing.color}}" 
Two-Way databinding EXAMPLE

            ng-repeat! cool

            What is this ng-repeat?


At a high level, directives are markers on a DOM element (such as an attribute, element name, comment or CSS class) that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler ($compile) to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children.
Think of them as "extensions" of HTML

built-in directives

ng-app, ng-controller, ng-repeat, ng-show, ng-model, ...

make your life easier

your own directives

write your own HTML-elements

  • components used in multiple places
  • components with "special" behaviour
manipulate the DOM

	not only view components!

            add event listener

	-> web components -> polymer

            Angular-UI and Ionic heavily rely on this!
            Lot of special directives!

            EXAMPLES later!
            enough on Angular -> talk about cordova   


              this is the "mini browser"
              CLI to create & build hybrid web apps


cordova create hello com.prodyna.hello HelloWorld

cd hello

cordova platform add android

cordova build

cordova run --device
              !build needs android/ios/wp SDKs installed on local machine!
              sessions.sh mit doitlive ausführen?


cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.camera
navigator.camera.getPicture( cameraSuccess, cameraError, cameraOptions );
"Takes a photo using the camera, or retrieves a photo from the device's image gallery. The image is passed to the success callback as a base64-encoded String, or as the URI for the image file. The method itself returns a CameraPopoverHandle object that can be used to reposition the file selection popover."

            plugins are for certain platforms only, some support all


example app

  • CSS, HTML & AngularJS components
  • cordova-like CLI
              central part are the css components optimized for mobile devices

              provide a platform for mobile web app development.

              Angular + cordova + plugins + nice icing on top


ionic start myApp sidemenu

cd myApp

ionic platform add ios

ionic build ios

ionic emulate ios
pretty much like cordova
            "start" is different
            "sidemenu" is a template


Example App

Phonegap build

Free* build service by Adobe

              For personal use 1 private app and unlimited apps from github repos
No Windows, MacOS needed to build the app for the app stores

            Fraport Mac Mini


more sophisticated Apps built with ionic

SPO-Portal Quick Offer


a simple example app built with ionic running on an android emulator. SPO-Portal?

the future

  • Web-Operating-Systems: FirefoxOS, ChromeOS
  • everything will be web
  • native will die
            webOS, decendant of palm os, developed by Palm, later HP
            -> open source -> LG (TV sets january 2014)


            Apple AppStore Review - no guarantee to get in there

            phonegap is gray area



ESD Web Technologies Expert Group

SCMA - Solution Center Mobile Applications

more dialogues/trainings to come!

HELP wanted!

          AngularJS training if enough participants

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