Introduction to Deep Learning

Introduction to Deep Learning

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Presentation giving a high-level overview of deep learning, with practical code examples

On Github DonaldWhyte / intro-to-deeplearning

Introduction to Deep Learning


Originally made for:

A bit about myself...

Infrastructure Engineer

I currently work for Bloomberg as an infrastructure engineer. I help design and build the low-level systems that keep financial data moving to the right places. My role is essentially a hybrid between a software engineer, architect and data scientist. I dabble in a bit of everything basically!


Organiser / Mentor / Hacker

Have participated in, mentored at and organised 17 hackathons, across the world. In countries such as: Egypt, UAE, Italy, Germany, the US and, of course, the UK.

Applied machine learning in:

  • network security
  • enterprise software defect detection
  • employment
I've applied machine learning to increase global network security automatically detect defects in large-scale software systems and more recently, I've consulted for recruitment startup

Machine Learning

Very Quick Overview

Machine learning is an approach to achieve AI

Machines learn behaviour with little human intervention

Programs that can adapt when exposed to new data

Based on pattern recognition

Machine learning has been around for a long time, but industry adoption and academic research has grown rapidly the past five to ten years. It's now being used in: education security robotics finance speech recognition image recognition advertising
Nowadays, machine learning is everywhere. You can't avoid it. When you look on Facebook, machine learning determines what you see. When you pay for your lunch with your credit card, machine learning decides whether the transaction goes through, or if you're a fraud. Global markets are affected by the machine learning algorithms hedge funds execute. Behind me is a tiny portion of the machine learning focused companies out there today. ML has spurred innovation in dozens of industries, and it's slowly Touching more and more.

Learning Types

  • supervised learning
  • unsupervised learning
  • semi-supervised learning
  • reinforcement learning

Supervised learning will be covered here

Supervised Learning

Use labelled historical data to predict future outcomes

Given some input data, predict the correct output

What features of the input tell us about the output?

Feature Space

  • A feature is some property that describes raw input data
  • Features represented as a vector in feature space
  • Abstract complexity of raw input for easier processing
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In this case, we have 2 features, so inputs are 2D vector that lie in a 2D feature space.


  • Training data is used to produce a model
  • f(x̄) = mx̄ + c
  • Model divides feature space into segments
  • Each segment corresponds to one output class
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Use trained model to classify new, unseen inputs

Model Complexity and Overfitting

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Created with Highcharts 4.2.3AreaPerimeter33.5400.511.52
Now in reality, your data might not be linearly separable, so we might have to use a more complex model to correctly discriminate between the different output classes. Of course, we need to be careful our models don't overfit our input training data, otherwise it will fail to correctly classify new, unseen data points. We can see on the diagram on the right, there are many unseen square instances that have been incorrectly classified as a triangle. The two triangles near them might just be outliers, but because the model was trained on a small training dataset, the feature space looked like it had a different structure.


  • Write programs that convert raw input to feature vectors
  • Build a model to divide feature space into classes
    • using training dataset
  • Hundreds of model types
  • Each divide feature space in different ways

Be careful of overfitting!

Neural Networks


The Mighty Perceptron

  • Type of supervised learning model
  • Linearly splits feature space
  • Modelled after a neuron in the human brain

Perceptron Definition

For n features, the perceptron is defined as:

  • n-dimensional weight vector w
  • bias scalar b
  • activation function f(x)
Input $x = \left(x_0, x_1, \cdots, w_n\right)$ Weights $w = \left(w_0, w_1, \cdots, w_n\right)$ Bias $b$ Weighted Sum $\left(\sum_{i=0}^{n} {w_ix_i}\right) + b$ Activation Function $f(x)$

Activation Function

Simulates the 'firing' of a physical neuron

1 = neuron fires, 0 = neuron does not fire

$$ f(x) = \begin{cases}1 & \text{if }w \cdot x + b > 0\\0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} $$

Step Function

  • Produces binary output from real-valued sum
  • Used for for binary classification
    • e.g. Triangle (0) or Square(1)

Created with Highcharts 4.2.3Weighted Sum (x)f(x)-2-1012-

Sigmoid Function

  • Can make perceptron produce continuous output
  • Useful for regression (predicting continuous values)
    • e.g. probabilities

Created with Highcharts 4.2.3Weighted Sum (x)f(x)StepSigmoid-2-1012-
We'll find having a continuous activation function very useful for when we combine many perceptrons together.

How do we learn w and b?

Perceptron Learning Algorithm

Algorithm which learns correct weights and bias

Use training dataset to incrementally train perceptron

Guaranteed to create line that divides output classes

(if data is linearly separable)

Details of the algorithm are not covered here for brevity. Training dataset, which is a collection of known input/output pairs (typically produced by humans manually labelling input).


Most data is not linearly separable

Need a network of neurons to discriminate non-linear data

Feed-Forward Neural Networks

Most common neural network architecture

Provides classification or regression

Uses multiple perceptrons in a layered fashion

Architecture for Classification

Input n nodes, set to the value of each feature Hidden where the magic happens Output m nodes, set to probability input is in a class

where n is feature count and m is class count.

The hidden layers is where all the smarts comes in. I could spend days discussing how to choose the number of hidden layers and nodes in each layer. It depends on so many factors. The number of input features, the distribution of inputs across feature space.

Neuron Connectivity

  • Each layer is fully connected to the next
  • All nodes in layer $l$ are connected to nodes in layer $l + 1$
  • Every single connection has a weight
Standard neural network architectures make each layer fully connected to the next.

Produces multiple weight matrices

One for each layer

Weight matrix produced using the following Latex equation: W = \begin{bmatrix} w{00} & w{01} & \cdots & w{0n} \ w{10} & w{11} & \cdots & w{1n} \ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \ w{m0} & w{m1} & \cdots & w_{mn} \end{bmatrix}


  • Hidden layers used to separate non-linear data
  • Linear activation functions means network is linear
  • Use n-linear activation functions instead (e.g. sigmoid)

Created with Highcharts 4.2.3Weighted Sum (x)f(x)-2-1012-

Training FFNNs

Learn the weight matrix!

  • Define a loss function
    • higher output means network is making more errors
  • Learn the weight matrix that minimises this function
  • Use gradient descent to do this

Gradient Descent Optimiser

Keep adjusting neuron weights

Such that loss/error function is minimised

Uses derivatives of activation functions to adjust weights

So we need continuous activation functions like sigmoid!

Weight matrix $w$ Loss function $J(w)$ Loss minima $J_{min}(w)$ We can describe the principle behind gradient descent as “climbing down a hill” until a local or global minimum is reached. At each step, we take a step into the opposite direction of the gradient. The step size is determined by the value of the learning rate as well as the slope of the gradient. Source of diagram:

Mean squared error loss function:

$ J(w) = \frac {1} {n} \sum_{i=i}^N {(y_i - t_i)^2} $


  • $N$ is the number of inputs in your test dataset
  • for each training sample $i$:
    • $y_i$ is a vector storing the values of each output node
    • $t_i$ is a vector storing the known, correct outputs
Note that this function is evaluated for every single point run through the training dataset!


  • Equivalent to gradient descent
  • The training algorithm for neural networks
  • For each feature vector in the training dataset, do a:
  • forward pass
  • backward pass
Backpropagation is the workhorse of neural network training. Some variation of this algorithm is almost always used to train nets. For a data point in our training dataset, we run two steps. Visualisation of learning by backpropagation:

Forward Pass

1. Start with random weights 2. Feed input feature vector to input layer 3. Let the first layer evaluate their activation using 4. Feed activation into next layer, repeat for all layers 5. Finally, compute output layer values

Forward Pass

Forward Pass

Forward Pass

Backward Pass

1. Compare the target output to the actual output - calculate the errors of the output neurons 2. Calculate weight updates associated with output neurons using perceptron learning principle - same adjustments as the ones made in the Perceptron Algorithm) 3. For each output neuron, propagate values back to the previous layer 4. Calculate weight updates associated with hidden neurons using perceptron learning principle 5. Update weights, then repeat from step 1 (performing another forward and backward pass) until the weight values converge

Backward Pass

Backward Pass

Backward Pass

After training the network, we obtain weights which minimise the loss/error

Classify new, unseen inputs by running them through the forward pass step

Many types of gradient descent / backpropagation

Batch, mini-batch, stochastic

Overview of Gradient Descent Optimisation Algorithms

There are many types of gradient descent for optimising weight matrices and minimising loss. We don't have the time to go through them here. Here's a link to amazing blog post that does an excellent job of summarising the different types of gradient descent optimisers.

Universal Approximation Theorem

A feed-forward neural network with a single hidden layer that has a finite number of nodes, can approximate any continuous function

Limitations of Shallow Networks

  • Complex data requires thousands of neurons in the hidden layer
  • Computationally expensive to train large networks
  • Complex models have a tendency to overfit training data
  • No way of understanding what's going on inside the large hidden layer
Despite it being theoretically possible for single layer neural networks to approximate any function and split any feature space, it turned out creating such networks was not practical. The networks either took way too long to train or overfit the training data. In other words, researchers couldn't find a way to build single layer networks that generalised to unseen data.

Feature Engineering

  • Most shallow networks required data to be pre-processing
    • i.e. feature extraction
  • Hand-crafting features is a time-consuming, human-driven process
  • Real intelligence was still in the human who chose the features

Why not turn to deep learning?

Deep Learning

What Is It and Why Now?

A machine learning technique

Neural networks with many hidden layers

Learns the input features for you

Why does deep learning work? Why is it better than one-layer shallow networks? TOOD

Core Issue with Deep Learning

(until 2006)
  • Backpropagation could not train deep networks
  • Lack of convergence of weights in early layers
  • Vanishing gradient problem
  • Deep networks contain much more neurons/connections
    • very expensive to train
Early layers' weights were no better than random initialisation. The earliest layers in a deep network simply weren't learning useful representations of the data. In many cases they weren't learning anything at all. Instead they were staying close to their random weight initialisation because of the nature of backpropagation. This meant the deep networks were completely useless when used on real world data. They just didn't generalise at all. This was due to the vanishing gradient problem. This happens because backpropagation involves a sequence of multiplications that invariably result in smaller derivatives for earlier layers.

Resurgence of Neural Networks

(2006 and beyond)

Geoff Hinton Yann Lecun Yoshua Bengio In 2006 three separate groups developed ways of overcoming the difficulties that many in the machine learning world encountered while trying to train deep neural networks. The leaders of these three groups are the fathers of the age of deep learning. Before their work, the earliest layers in a deep network simply weren't learning useful representations of the data. In many cases they weren't learning anything at all. Using different techniques, each of these three groups was able to get these early layers to learn useful representations, which led to much more powerful neural networks.

Why Did Traditional Backpropagation Not Work?

Our labelled datasets were thousands of times too small Our computers were millions of times too slow We initialized the weights in a stupid way We used the wrong type of non-linearity So, why indeed, did purely supervised learning with backpropagation not work well in the past? Geoffrey Hinton summarized the findings up to today in these four points: Source:

Why It Works Now

(1) Massive Datasets Available

Thanks to Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc.

Everyone is on the web

Everyone's data is captured

Why It Works Now

(2) Distributed Training of Networks

Backpropagation can be reduced to matrix multiplication

Easily parallelised and distributed across multiple cores

GPGPU and distributed computation

Why It Works Now

(3) Better Weight Initialisation

  • Blindly choosing random weights caused problems
  • If same scale was used for weights in each layer, we get:
    • vanishing gradient problem


Higher weight magnitudes and variance in earlier layers!

It was not so much choosing random weights that was problematic, as choosing random weights without consideration for which layer the weights are for. That is, unless weights are chosen with difference scales according to the layer they are in, we get the vanishing gradient problem. Give higher weight magnitudes and variance in earlier layers significantly reduces the changes of hitting the vanishing gradient problem.

Why It Works Now

(4) Better Activation Functions

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Modern Uses of Deep Learning

Widely used for image and sound processing

Both recognition and generation

Image recognition: Google ImageNet Speech synthesis: Google DeepMind WaveNet An important thing to note is that deep learning enables more than just recognition. It enables the generation of content as well. This capability is beyond most machine learning techniques.

Projected Deep Learning Software Revenue

Created with Highcharts 4.2.3$ millions2015201620172018201920202021202220232024$0$2000$4000$6000$8000$10000$12000

Source: Tractica

Annual revenue for deep learning will surpass $10 billion by 2014

The market intelligence firm forecasts that annual software revenue for enterprise applications of deep learning will increase from $109 million in 2015 to $10.4 billion in 2024. I suspect this large growth is because of deep learning's application in driver-less cars, which is going to become a huge industry.

Deep Learning

By Example

Higgs Boson Detection

What is the Higgs Boson?

  • Last unobserved particle in the Standard Model of physics
  • Its discovery is the "ultimate verification" of the Standard Model
  • 40 year effort by the scientific community
  • March 2013:
    • the Higgs boson was officially confirmed to exist

Finding a Higgs Boson Particle

Vast amounts of energy required to create them

Large Hadron Collider used to produce this energy

It is difficult to detect the Higgs Boson because of their massive size (compared with other particles). We need vast amounts of energy to create them. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN gave us enough energy to create them.

Large Hadron Collider

Built by CERN in Switzerland, the Large Hadron Collider is capable of producing the vast amount of energy required to run complex particle physics simulations.


accelerate two sets of particles set them on a path to collide with each other monitor effect of collision using detectors if right effect occurs, a Higgs boson was produced

Use measurements of effects to infer Higgs boson production!

2: Each collision produces a flurry of new particles which are detected by etectors around the point where they collide. There is still only a very small chance, one in 10 billion, of a Higgs Boson appearing and being detected, so the LHC needs to smash together trillions of particals. Supercomputers the need to sift through a massive amount of data to find the few collisions where evidence of the Higgs boson is. 3 - 4: However, even when a Higgs boson, or any interesting particle is produced, detecting them poses considerable challenges. They are too small to be directly observed and decay almost immediately into other particles. Though new particles cannot be directly observed, the lighter stable particles to which they decay, called decay products, can be observed. Multiple layers of detectors surround the point of collision for this purpose. The detects measure the direction and momentum of each decay product to be measured. So we use the measurements of the stable particles to infer the creation of a Higgs boson!

Higgs Boson as Classification

  • Classification problem
  • Detect when a particle collision produces a Higgs boson
  • Two classes:
    • signal (collision that created a Higgs boson)
    • background (collision that did not)
The vast majority of particle collisions do not produce exotic particles. For example, though the Large Hadron Collider produces approximately 1011 collisions per hour, approximately 300 of these collisions result in a Higgs boson, on average. Therefore, good data analysis depends on distinguishing collisions which produce particles of interest (signal) from those producing other particles.

Training Dataset

  • Synthetic
  • Monte Carlo simulations generated input/output pairs
  • Input contains:
    • kinematic properties
    • measured by particle detectors in the LHC
  • Output is a binary value:
    • 1 if Higgs boson produced, 0 otherwise
  • 10,500,000 training data points
  • 500,000 test
Class,                    Feature 1,                Feature 2,                Feature 3,                 Feature 4,                Feature 5,                 ...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Feature 28
1.000000000000000000e+00, 8.692932128906250000e-01, -6.350818276405334473e-01, 2.256902605295181274e-01, 3.274700641632080078e-01, -6.899932026863098145e-01, 7.542022466659545898e-01, -2.485731393098831177e-01, -1.092063903808593750e+00, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 1.374992132186889648e+00, -6.536741852760314941e-01, 9.303491115570068359e-01, 1.107436060905456543e+00, 1.138904333114624023e+00, -1.578198313713073730e+00, -1.046985387802124023e+00, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 6.579295396804809570e-01, -1.045456994324922562e-02, -4.576716944575309753e-02, 3.101961374282836914e+00, 1.353760004043579102e+00, 9.795631170272827148e-01, 9.780761599540710449e-01, 9.200048446655273438e-01, 7.216574549674987793e-01, 9.887509346008300781e-01, 8.766783475875854492e-01
1.000000000000000000e+00, 1.159911632537841797e+00, 1.013847351074218750e+00, 1.086145266890525818e-01, 1.495523571968078613e+00, -5.375448465347290039e-01, 2.342396497726440430e+00, -8.397403955459594727e-01, 1.320682883262634277e+00, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 1.858587384223937988e+00, 1.131710648536682129e+00, -5.616937279701232910e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 9.609999656677246094e-01, 6.710261702537536621e-01, -1.788218468427658081e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 1.177603840827941895e+00, -9.706818312406539917e-02, 1.190679788589477539e+00, 3.101961374282836914e+00, 8.221355676651000977e-01, 7.667723298072814941e-01, 1.002190828323364258e+00, 1.061232686042785645e+00, 8.370041251182556152e-01, 8.604723811149597168e-01, 7.724842429161071777e-01
1.000000000000000000e+00, 6.183877587318420410e-01, -1.012981653213500977e+00, 1.110139250755310059e+00, 9.410225749015808105e-01, -3.791989386081695557e-01, 1.004656314849853516e+00, 3.485354781150817871e-01, -1.678592920303344727e+00, 2.173076152801513672e+00, 1.002569556236267090e+00, -6.361894607543945312e-01, -3.675004839897155762e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 6.503257751464843750e-01, 5.117326378822326660e-01, -1.827050000429153442e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 1.427826285362243652e+00, -2.169947475194931030e-01, 1.049177289009094238e+00, 3.101961374282836914e+00, 8.268290758132934570e-01, 9.898085594177246094e-01, 1.029103517532348633e+00, 1.199678778648376465e+00, 8.914807438850402832e-01, 9.384900331497192383e-01, 8.652693629264831543e-01
1.000000000000000000e+00, 7.005587816238403320e-01, 7.742510437965393066e-01, 1.520181775093078613e+00, 8.471117019653320312e-01, 2.112299501895904541e-01, 1.095530629158020020e+00, 5.245675146579742432e-02, 2.455338835716247559e-02, 2.173076152801513672e+00, 1.345027089118957520e+00, 9.937756061553955078e-01, -1.298507809638977051e+00, 2.214872121810913086e+00, 1.252707004547119141e+00, 1.465673208236694336e+00, 1.262483119964599609e+00, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 4.196339249610900879e-01, 1.585234761238098145e+00, 1.713961958885192871e+00, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 3.373743593692779541e-01, 8.452081084251403809e-01, 9.876095056533813477e-01, 8.834222555160522461e-01, 1.888438344001770020e+00, 1.153765797615051270e+00, 9.312791228294372559e-01
0.000000000000000000e+00, 1.178029537200927734e+00, 1.177960634231567383e-01, -1.276979565620422363e+00, 1.864456653594970703e+00, -5.843700766563415527e-01, 9.985186457633972168e-01, -1.264548897743225098e+00, 1.276332855224609375e+00, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 7.331360578536987305e-01, 3.565544188022613525e-01, 3.544357419013977051e-01, 2.214872121810913086e+00, 6.183627247810363770e-01, -9.267247468233108521e-02, -9.976139664649963379e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 8.455964922904968262e-01, 1.399515151977539062e+00, -1.313188791275024414e+00, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 8.388421535491943359e-01, 8.828901052474975586e-01, 1.201380252838134766e+00, 9.392156600952148438e-01, 3.397049307823181152e-01, 7.590702772140502930e-01, 7.191191911697387695e-01
0.000000000000000000e+00, 4.644770622253417969e-01, -3.370473384857177734e-01, 2.290194332599639893e-01, 9.545962214469909668e-01, -8.684663772583007812e-01, 4.300042688846588135e-01, -2.713484168052673340e-01, -1.252278447151184082e+00, 2.173076152801513672e+00, 4.493495523929595947e-01, -1.141303658485412598e+00, 1.276562809944152832e+00, 2.214872121810913086e+00, 4.985889792442321777e-01, -1.894054651260375977e+00, 8.880367875099182129e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 6.756982803344726562e-01, -1.652782082557678223e+00, -5.862540006637573242e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 7.525347471237182617e-01, 7.407272458076477051e-01, 9.869167804718017578e-01, 6.639524102210998535e-01, 5.760836601257324219e-01, 5.414269566535949707e-01, 5.174198746681213379e-01
0.000000000000000000e+00, 4.644770622253417969e-01, -3.370473384857177734e-01, 2.290194332599639893e-01, 9.545962214469909668e-01, -8.684663772583007812e-01, 4.300042688846588135e-01, -2.713484168052673340e-01, -1.252278447151184082e+00, 2.173076152801513672e+00, 4.493495523929595947e-01, -1.141303658485412598e+00, 1.276562809944152832e+00, 2.214872121810913086e+00, 4.985889792442321777e-01, -1.894054651260375977e+00, 8.880367875099182129e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 6.756982803344726562e-01, -1.652782082557678223e+00, -5.862540006637573242e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 7.525347471237182617e-01, 7.407272458076477051e-01, 9.869167804718017578e-01, 6.639524102210998535e-01, 5.760836601257324219e-01, 5.414269566535949707e-01, 5.174198746681213379e-01
0.000000000000000000e+00, 1.861934423446655273e+00, -3.828238844871520996e-01, -1.608231782913208008e+00, 4.637614190578460693e-01, -1.487331032752990723e+00, 1.222498297691345215e+00, -4.099806249141693115e-01, 2.091603726148605347e-01, 1.086538076400756836e+00, 2.971322536468505859e-01, 4.381497800350189209e-01, -7.070591449737548828e-01, 2.214872121810913086e+00, 7.302335500717163086e-01, -2.419532686471939087e-01, 1.062223672866821289e+00, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 5.121286511421203613e-01, 2.327280282974243164e+00, -4.114539623260498047e-01, 0.000000000000000000e+00, 1.622552871704101562e+00, 9.486817717552185059e-01, 9.923209547996520996e-01, 1.476622343063354492e+00, 7.626733183860778809e-01, 1.014428615570068359e+00, 1.134126186370849609e+00
Source of data:


  • 21 low-level features
    • raw measurements from particle detectors
  • 7 high-level features
    • functions derived from low-level features
    • generate abstract, complex info on collision effects
    • hand-crafted by physicists
The first 21 features are kinematic properties measured by the particle detectors in the accelerator. The last seven features are functions of the first 21 features. These are high-level features derived by physicists to help discriminate between the two classes.

Traditional ML Performance

Algorithm Low-Level High-Level All Boosted Decision Trees 0.730 0.780 0.810 Neural Net (1 Layer) 0.733 0.777 0.816

Source: [1]

High-level features perform worse than all features

Suggests high-level features do not capture all info in low-level features

Methods trained with only the high-level features perform worse than those with all the features. This suggests that despite the insight represented by the high-level features, they do not capture all of the information contained in the low-level features.

Let's use deep learning!

Automatically discover insight contained in high-level features

Using only low-level features!

6 hidden layers 500 nodes on each hidden layer ReLU activation function Higher Weight initialisation where earlier layers have higher initial weights

What About Weight Initialisation?

Weights initialised random from normal distribution

Less variance in weights for deeper layers

Layer(s) Standard Deviation First Layer 0.1 Hidden Layers 0.05 Output Layer 0.001

Deep Learning Performance

Algorithm Low-Level High-Level All Boosted Decision Trees 0.730 0.780 0.810 Neural Net (1 Layer) 0.733 0.777 0.816 Deep Learning (3 Layers) 0.850 0.783 0.856 Deep Learning (4 Layers) 0.869 0.785 0.872 Deep Learning (6 Layers) 0.880 0.800 0.885

Sources: [1] and [2]

Highlight fact that deep learning performs better than traditional classifiers that use hand-crafted features and heavily tuned parameters.


The Problem

Data scientists had to reluctantly accept the limitations of shallow networks

Must construct helpful, high-level features to guide shallow networks and other ML techniques

Until now, physicists have reluctantly accepted the limitations of the shallow networks employed to date. In an attempt to circumvent these limitations, physicists manually construct helpful non-linear feature combinations to guide the shallow networks.


Deep Learning As a Solution

Higgs boson detection is an example where deep learning

Provides better discrimination than traditional classifiers

Even when traditional classifiers are aided by manually constructed features!

Recent advances in deep learning techniques lift these limitations by automatically discovering powerful non-linear feature combinations and providing better discrimination power than current classifiers, even when aided by manually-constructed features.


Traditional ML requires complex, hand-crafted features

Correctly classifying complex feature spaces requires lots of fine-tuning of features and parameters

...and it still might not be accurate enough.

Theoretically, neural networks are extremely powerful

Can model any mathematical function and fit any space

Deep networks can learn complex features for us

No more time-consuming high-level feature engineering

But we just didn't know how to effectively train them

Vanishing gradients, poor weight initialisation and lack of computational power held us back

Meant we could realistically only use shallow networks

Until 2006, where we saw an explosion of new techniques

ReLU/softmax activations, smarter weight initialisations, regularisation techniques

And much better hardware for training nets (GPGPUs)

We've only scratched the surface in this talk

These new techniques have enabled us to build very complex architectures for variety of tasks

Deep Feed-Forward Nets

Classification / regression problems with highly complex feature spaces

Deep Autoencoders

Learns 'compressed' version of input data

Can provide better abstraction and generalisation

Deep Belief Networks

Layers can be trained individually

Allows layers to be reused in other networks

Convolutional Neural Networks

Great for image recognition

Image recognition and video analysis

Recurrent Neural Networks

Great for time-series data

Processing/generating audio or natural language

We don't HAVE to use deep learning.

It's not always better.

Traditional ML techniques are often powerful enough.

And are much easier to use:

  • faster to train
  • easier to understand
  • building traditional classifiers increasingly automated

Nevertheless, deep learning has proven to achieve that traditional techniques can't.

It's here to stay!

Further Reading

A Primer on Deep Learning

A 'Brief' History of Neural Nets and Deep Learning

Tensorflow Tutorials

Advanced Reading

Neural Network FAQs

Deep Learning with Tensorflow


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Introduction to Deep Learning @donald_whyte Originally made for: