On Github DjebbZ / presentation-livescript
Who knows/doesn't know it ?
Used it in prod, I mean
What do you think about it ?
_.map, _.reduce, _.pluck, _.debounce, _.memoize // lot of goodies inside* : Almost, its fork Lo-Dash is better.
_.curry() // doesn't exist, even though _.partial exists _.map(collection, fun) // why not the opposite order ? _.compose(*functions) // not that useful because of previous points
# CoffeeScript f = (a, b) -> a + b
// Resulting Javascript var f = function(a, b) { return a + b; };
Tries to push a more functional style, but doesn't go far enough...
Some CoffeeScript's features : - all functions return their last statement - almost everything is an expression - for comprehensions - default arguments - object desctructuring - sugar for classes (bof...)
# No currying f = (a, b) -> a + b # Easy currying, with double arrow --> f = (a, b) --> a + b g = f 1 # curried f g 2 # → 3
# using _ as a placeholder argument for data # Operators as functions (yes!) biggerThanThree = _.map _, (> 3) # [1 2 3 4 5] will be used in place of _ biggerThanThree [1 2 3 4 5] // → [true,true,false,false,false]
# Forward composition add-two-times-two = (+ 2) >> (* 2) add-two-times-two 3 # → (3+2)*2 → 10 # Backward composition times-two-add-two = (+ 2) << (* 2) times-two-add-two 3 # → (3*2)+2 → 8 # Haskell style, equivalent to << times-two-add-two = (+ 2) . (* 2)Le highlighter ne fonctionne pas encore avec LiveScript, un patch est en cours
# (.length) is a shortcut to access property [1 2 3] |> filter (> 2) |> (.length) # → 1
# empty function from Prelude.ls (coming after) # Guard syntax (|) translates to switch in JS sum = ([x, ...xs]:list) -> | empty list => 0 | empty xs => x | otherwise => x + sum xsEst-ce vraiment du pattern matching ?
x <- map _, [1 to 3] x * 2 # → [2,4,6] # translates to map(function(x){ return x * 2; }, [1, 2, 3]); # the ! suppresses the return of the function data <-! $.get 'my-ajax-url.com' $ '.result' .html data
# 60+ functions for arrays head, first, tail, last, compact, partition, concat, intersection, scan, take-while, zip, ... # ~15 functions for objects (maps) keys, values, pairs-to-obj, reject, find, ... # ~20 functions for strings split, join, words, unwords, reverse, repeat, ... # 30+ functions for Math (yes!) min, max, tau, odd, even, quot, rem, sin, signum, is-it-NaN # of course, functions functions apply, curry, flip, fix