On Github Devbootcamp / intro-to-ruby
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Some "rules" for today:
Let's get to know each other!
Google search and autocomplete will quickly become your best friend
Your ultimate goal is a super fast feedback loop.
Scan through the Google search results and work out which look most relevant to your issue.
Cmd+Click (Mac) or Ctrl+Click a link to open it in a new tab. Open what you think are the three most promising results.
In my experience, I've found the following resources to be particularly helpful:
A quick note on Stack Overflow...
Always remember that the section right at the top of the page is the question, not the answer!
Our goal today is to build a web server that interacts with the Twitter API and sends HTML pages back to the browser.
Show the functionality of the running site.To understand Ruby's role on the Web, we need to understand the Web.
Sinatra is a framework written in Ruby that allows us to build a server that, upon receiving a request from a browser, will respond with a page of HTML.
If you haven't already done so, go to your terminal or command line and type:
gem install sinatra
when that's done you might as well install the twitter gem, too, since we'll be using it later:
gem install twitterWindows users may need to open the "Start Command Prompt With Ruby" executable added by the Ruby installer.
When your server receives a request from a browser, it needs to know what action to perform based on that request. This is called routing.
The text and slashes after the domain name in a URL is known as the path. Your server looks at the path to determine where to route a request.
If your Sinatra server received a request like this:
...it would look for a route like this:
get '/hello' do end
Likewise, if your Sinatra server received a request like this:
...it would look for a route like this:
get '/this/is/a/really/long/path' do end
Once your server has matched a path, it runs whatever Ruby code is between the `do` and the `end`. It will respond to the browser with the last line in the route.
You can respond with a simple string:
get '/hello' do "Why hello there, friendly Web traveler!" end
...or with an HTML file:
get '/hello' do erb :hello end
Sinatra will look in your "views" folder for an HTML file called "hello.erb" and send it back to the browser to display.
Once you have a route or two set up, you need to run your server so it listens for requests.
In your terminal, navigate to your server file's location and type "ruby" followed by the filename, eg:
ruby server.rb
Your server will now be waiting for requests. You can press Ctrl+C to stop your server.
Head to your browser and type the address you saw in your terminal, plus one of your routes, for example:
Your server will respond to your request!
A bunch of jargon:
What does it all mean!?
A variable is a way of naming things so we have a reference to them later.
Think of variables as a label we can write on and apply to different things.
Let's come back to variables once we learn about a few different data types we can label.
A string is simply a sequence of characters. Here are some examples of strings in Ruby:
"This is a string." "123456789abcde" "!@#$%^&*()" "" 'A string can also be in single quotes'
Strings are one of the most common data types in every programming language. Get used to seeing, using and manipulating strings!
Symbols in Ruby are similar to strings. They are also a collection of characters. This is what Ruby symbols look like:
:a_symbol :another_symbol :name
Whereas strings are intended to be manipulated (for example, reversed), symbols can never change. Symbols are intended to be identifiers for things. We will see this when we talk about hashes.
Integers are another very common data type that you will see in every language. This is what they look like in Ruby:
42 100 10000 -256
Integers are numbers without fractional components.
A float, or "floating point", is how computers represent numbers with fractional components. In Ruby, floats look like this:
1.1 3.141592653589793 5.5 99.999 −128.6
You can perform simple arithmetic on integers and floats using:
Addition + Subtraction - Multiplication * Division / Modulus %You can also perform simple comparison operations on numbers using:
Equality == Inequality != Greater than > Greater than or equal to >= Less than < Less than or equal to <=Open up IRB by typing `irb` in your terminal. You can also go to repl.it for an online version.
What does the modulus operator do? What happens if you multiply a string by a number? What happens if you multiply a number by a string? Can you add a number to a string in Ruby?Every time you press enter in IRB, you see the return value of expression you evaluated.
What data type did Ruby return when you used a comparison operator?
Comparison operators will always return a
true or false
Note that in Ruby:
This can be useful when we look at conditionals later.
Now we know how to create a few data types, let's save them for later in some variables.
There are different types of variables in Ruby:
The difference between variable types relates to which parts of your code can access those variables. This is known as scope.
Today we'll use local variables and instance variables. Let's look at how to declare these variables in Ruby.
The syntax for declaring variables in Ruby is like this:
# this is a local variable magic_number = 42 # this is an instance variable @instance_variable = "My first instance variable!"
Naming variables in snake_case is a Ruby convention.
You can directly assign values to variables...
seen_it = "...like we've already seen"
...or store return values of expressions in variables
num = 3 other_num = 4 multiplier = 6 answer_to_the_ultimate_question = (num + other_num) * multiplierWhat value is stored in answer_to_the_ultimate_question?
Let's look at two more data structures:
For the following data structures, we are going to learn how to create, or instantiate, them and then learn the following operations:
Just like a variable holds a single value, an array holds a collection of values.
Think of an array as a bunch of buckets, each of which stores a value.
If we were to put the first eight characters of the alphabet into these buckets, it would look like this in Ruby:
letters = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"]
An array of the characters "a" through "h" is now stored in the local variable `letters`. This is an array of strings.
Every element in an array is stored in a specific position known as an index. Arrays are indexed starting at 0 and incrementing by 1 for each position.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h"You refer to each element by its index.
letters = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"] letters[0] # returns "a" letters[7] # returns "h"
letters = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"] # if we want to change "a" and "b": letters[0] = "apples" letters[1] = "bananas" # letters now contains: ["apples","bananas","c","d","e","f","g","h"]
letters = ["a","b","c","d"] letters << "elephant" # alternatively letters.push("elephant") # letters now contains: ["a","b","c","d","elephant"]
This is technically the push method, but when written as above, most people would say they are shoveling a string into the letters array. The << operator is known as the shovel operator.
letters = ["a","b","c","d", "elephant"] letters.unshift("zebra") # letters now contains: ["zebra","a","b","c","d", "elephant"]
The unshift method adds an element to the start of an array.
What element is in index zero of the array now?letters = ["a","b","c","d"] char = letters.pop # letters now contains: ["a","b","c"] # and the local variable `char` contains: "d"
The pop method removes an element from the end of an array.
What element is in index zero of the array now?letters = ["a","b","c","d"] char = letters.shift # letters now contains: ["b","c","d"] # and `char` contains: "a"
The shift method removes an element from the start of an array.
What element is in index zero of the array now?Everything in Ruby has some built in behavior called methods. We've already seen a few array methods with push, pop, shift and unshift.
letters = ["a","b","c"] letters.push("d") # -------------------------- letters # the array that we're calling our method on . # the dot to signify we're about to call a method push # the name of the method ("d") # the actual calling of the method with a string argument
We call a method with a dot, followed by the method name, followed by a set of parentheses. Sometimes we put other data inside the parens, known as arguments; other times methods don't require arguments.
In Ruby, when a method takes no arguments, we can call that method without parentheses.
letters = ["a","b","c","d"] letters.pop
Hashes in Ruby are similar to arrays in that they contain a collection of values.
However, unlike arrays which are ordered by index, the values in hashes are stored in keys that you name yourself.
In our metaphor we give each bucket a name. This is the key. The item inside the bucket is its value. So, a Ruby hash is a collection of key value pairs.
If this collection of buckets was a hash, what do you think it would represent?Let's instantiate a hash in Ruby:
person = {:name => "Sam", :age => 28, :sex => "male"}
This hash contains three key value pairs and the hash is stored in the local variable `person`.
In Ruby, you can use any data type for keys in a hash, but it is common to use symbols.
person = {:name => "Sam", :age => 28, :sex => "male"}
The arrows separating the keys and values are colloquially known as hash rockets.
Because it is so common to use symbols as keys in hashes, there is a shortcut to create these hashes without using the hash rocket notation:
person = {name: "Sam", age: 28, sex: "male"}
This works in Ruby 1.9 and higher.
person = {name: "Sam", age: 28, sex: "male"} person[:name] # returns "Sam"
person = {name: "Sam", age: 28, sex: "male"} person[:age] = 29 # person now contains: {name: "Sam", age: 29, sex: "male"} person[:age] # returns 29
person = {name: "Sam", age: 28, sex: "male"} person[:gender] = "cis male" # person now contains {name: "Sam", age: 28, sex: "male", gender: "cis male"}
person = {name: "Sam", age: 28, sex: "male", gender: "cis male"} person.delete(:sex) # returns "male" # person now contains: {name: "Sam", age: 28, gender: "cis male"} person[:sex] # returns nil
The delete method removes a key value pair from a hash and returns the value.
Note that if you try to access a key that doesn't exist, the hash will return nil.
It's relatively rare to use `delete`. Most often you are reading or accessing data. Second most, adding or inserting data. Third most, updating data. Rarely, deleting or removing data.These things we call hashes in Ruby can be called dictionaries, hash tables, or maps in other languages.
The closest equivalent to a Ruby hash in JavaScript is a JavaScript object.
"Objects" in Ruby are more complex and we won't discuss them in this workshop.
Inside a local variable named `dogs`, model the following things with arrays, hashes, symbols and strings:
Take 10 minutes to stretch, get some food and go to the restroom.
Doing certain things over and over and over and over is a very common thing when coding
We will look at the syntax for three Ruby loops:
This is the syntax for a times loop:
10.times do puts "Hello!" end
The part from the `do` to the `end` is called a block.
If you want a counter with a times loop, you name a parameter inside the block like this:
10.times do |counter| puts "Here we go. Let's count: #{counter}" end
If you want to insert Ruby code or the value of a variable inside a string, you do so with string interpolation.
dog_speak = "woof!" puts "Dogs say #{dog_speak}"
is a shortcut for this:
dog_speak = "woof!" puts "Dogs say " + dog_speak
One of the most common operations in Ruby is iterating over a collection. Here is how to iterate over an array using the each method:
greetings = ["hello", "kia ora", "aloha", "talofa", "malo"] greetings.each do |word| puts "You can say hi by saying #{word}!" endTalk through the slide and point out what is going on on each line.
A common pattern in Ruby is to transform every element in an array to something else. For example, if we to turn every greeting into all caps, we could do this:
greetings = ["hello", "kia ora", "aloha", "talofa", "malo"] shouty_greetings = [] greetings.each do |word| shouty_greetings << word.upcase end # shouty_greetings now contains: ["HELLO", "KIA ORA", "ALOHA", "TALOFA", "MALO"] # and greetings still contains: ["hello", "kia ora", "aloha", "talofa", "malo"]
In fact, this pattern of transforming every element of an array is so common, it has its own method called map.
greetings = ["hello", "kia ora", "aloha", "talofa", "malo"] shouty_greetings = greetings.map do |word| word.upcase end # shouty_greetings contains: ["HELLO", "KIA ORA", "ALOHA", "TALOFA", "MALO"] # and greetings contains: ["hello", "kia ora", "aloha", "talofa", "malo"]
Remember the bit between the `do` and `end` is a block? If a block only has one line in it, you can write it like:
greetings.each { |word| puts "You can say hi by saying #{word}!" } # compare curly braces above to do/end below: greetings.each do |word| puts "You can say hi by saying #{word}!" end
The code above and below the comment are the same. Curly braces and do/end are both ways to write blocks.
Here's an elegant version of our map method:
greetings = ["hello", "kia ora", "aloha", "talofa", "malo"] shouty_greetings = greetings.map { |word| word.upcase }
Sometimes you want your code to do different things depending on different inputs. This is called control flow.
Maybe you need to authenticate an administrator based on a password:
admin_password = "ilikepies" admin_logged_in = false puts "Please enter your password for admin access..." input = gets.chomp if input == admin_password admin_logged_in = true puts "Welcome to the system, administrator." else puts "Sorry, that is not the password." endTalk through the if else pattern on the screen
Perhaps we only want to make greetings starting with "K" all caps and reverse everything else...
greetings = ["hello", "kia ora", "aloha", "talofa", "malo"] wacky_greetings = [] greetings.each do |word| if word[0].downcase == "k" wacky_greetings << word.upcase else wacky_greetings << word.reverse end end # wacky_greetings now contains: ["olleh", "KIA ORA", "ahola", "afolat", "olam"]
A method is a selection of code that you can save and run later, potentially multiple times.
We define a method like this:
def create_greeting(name) return "Welcome to my website, #{name}!" end
This method takes a string as input and returns a different string as output.
We call a method by typing its name, followed by parentheses if it takes arguments.
def create_greeting(name) return "Welcome to my website, #{name}!" end create_greeting("Sam") # returns "Welcome to my website, Sam!" create_greeting("Ashley") # returns "Welcome to my website, Ashley!" create_greeting("David") # returns "Welcome to my website, David!" create_greeting("Stranger").upcaseWhat does that last line return?
The input that we give to methods are called arguments.
def sum(num1, num2) end
`num1` and `num2` are the parameters in this function that show us that we can pass it two arguments.
The output from a function is its return value.
def sum(num1, num2) return num1 + num2 end
Usually we manipulate our input in some useful way and then return that data.
Note as in this example, a method can have multiple parameters. These parameters act as variables within the function and any arguments you pass to this function when you call it will be accessible via variables/parameters.Even if you don't specify the key word `return`, Ruby will always return the last line evaluated in a method. This is called implicit return. So this works:
def sum(num1, num2) num1 + num2 end
Methods don't actually need parameters or a return statement. Here's an example:
def shout_something_random random_phrases = ["kajinga", "hooty tooty", "meowzers", "zingpop"] puts random_phrases.sample.upcase end
Here are a few useful methods already built into Ruby:
"this was a string".split # => ["this","was","a","string"] ["this","was","an","array"].join # => "thiswasanarray" ["this","was","an","array"].join("-") # => "this-was-an-array" # and a few we already saw: "quiet library voice".upcase # => "QUIET LIBRARY VOICE" "bolton".reverse # => "notlob" ["luck", "of", "the", "draw"].sample # => a randomly chosen element ["hey", "hi", "yo"].map { |word| word.upcase } # => ["HEY", "HI", "YO"]
You will find many more great examples in the Ruby Docs.
You'll also find these methods on your reference sheet.Create a method called `reverse_words` that reverses every word in a string. For example:
# INPUT: "I'd like to buy an apple" # OUTPUT: "d'I ekil ot yub na elppa"
When we talk about the Twitter API we are talking about the ability to interface with Twitter's data and systems.
We can send a message to Twitter asking for some data, or telling Twitter to tweet something on our behalf. We are essentially remotely calling methods that Twitter has written.
Keep the four keys you generate safe.
Let's use IRB to see if we can interact with Twitter using our new app keys.
In IRB, first require the Twitter gem. Then replace the strings below with the keys from the app you set up.
require 'twitter' $client = Twitter::REST::Client.new do |config| config.consumer_key = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY" config.consumer_secret = "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET" config.access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" config.access_token_secret = "YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET" end
Now we should have an authenticated Twitter client stored in the $client global variable.
# this should return us our last 20 tweets $client.user_timeline # hmmm, they are tweet objects... how do we get the text out? # this should send out a tweet $client.update("omg I am tweeting from the command line. So cool!") # let's go look...
Who needs a browser when you can tweet from the command line!?
Let's integrate the Twitter gem with Sinatra.
require 'sinatra' require 'twitter' $client = Twitter::REST::Client.new do |config| config.consumer_key = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY" config.consumer_secret = "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET" config.access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" config.access_token_secret = "YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET" end
At the top of our server.rb file, we need to require both Sinatra and Twitter. And let's reuse the code that we know worked from IRB.
When we visit the root path of our site, we want to grab all of our most recent tweets.
get '/' do @tweets = $client.user_timeline.map { |tweet| tweet.text } erb :index end
Notice two things here:
If you open your index.erb file, you'll notice there is already some HTML written for you. You should also notice some bits in between that look like Ruby.
<% if @tweets %> <% @tweets.each do |tweet| %>
<%= tweet %>
<% end %> <% end %>This is called embedded Ruby (erb) and is a lot like string interpolation. Any instance variables you declare in your routes, will be accessible in these erb files.
Let's start our server and see if it works!
In your terminal, navigate to the right folder and run:
ruby server.rb
Remember, you can press Ctrl+C to stop your server.
Now let's integrate the algorithm you wrote to reverse the words in a string! Copy and paste your method at the bottom of your server.rb file.
get '/' do @tweets = $client.user_timeline.map { |tweet| tweet.text } erb :index end def reverse_words(sentence) # your awesome code here... end
Inside the map block now you can call your own method to reverse the tweets!
get '/' do @tweets = $client.user_timeline.map do |tweet| reverse_words(tweet.text) end erb :index end def reverse_words(sentence) # your awesome code here... end
Restart your server and see what happens when you visit your site...
You'll notice there is already a form on the page. What happens right now when you try to submit that form?
Let's write that route!
post '/' do $client.update(reverse_words(params[:tweet])) redirect '/' end
You'll notice this is a POST route. That's because we are creating something new: a tweet!
post '/' do $client.update(reverse_words(params[:tweet])) redirect '/' end
There's some new syntax here, too: