The PHP Renaissance – Pollution – The olden days

The PHP Renaissance – Pollution – The olden days

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On Github Crell / slides-php-pie

The PHP Renaissance

Presented by Larry Garfield (@Crell)


  • Senior Architect,
  • Drupal 8 Web Services Lead
  • Drupal Representative, PHP-FIG
  • Advisor, Drupal Association
  • Loveable pedant


We have too much code

in the world

No Silver Bullet


  • "Incidental complexity" is mostly solved.
  • "Essential complexity" is not going away.
  • End of 10-fold improvements.
The most radical possible solution for constructing software is not to construct it at all.

— "No Silver Bullet", 1986.

Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS)

The best way to attack the essence of buildingsoftware is not to build it at all.

— "'No Silver Bullet', Refired", 1995.

Hey, look, Open Source!

The way to be more productive is to write less code

The way to be more productive is to reuse more code

If a software engineer, a potential consumer of standardized software components, perceives it to be more expensive to find a component that meets his needs, and so verify, than to write one anew, a new, duplicative component will be written. Notice we said perceives above. It doesn't matter what the true cost of reconstruction is.

— Van Snyder, JPLas quoted in "'No Silver Bullet', Refired", 1995.

Sharing must be easy or it won't happen

Sharing is how Open Source works

Sucking at sharing is howOpen Source dies

The olden days


  • PHP Extension and Application Repository
  • Founded 2000 on the "new" PHP 4
  • Required root to use properly (WTF?)
  • Complex process for adding packages
  • Easy to get wrong

Why we can't have nice things

Where do I find code? PEAR and, um, blogs? How do I get code? Paste into your repository (or have root) How do I load your code? Manual includes How do I load everyone's code? Lots of manual includes Name clashes? YourProject_Before_Every_Single_Function() How can I collaborate on code? Sourceforge? Can I exchange code? LOLz

PHP sucked at sharing


This is my island

There are many like it, but this one is mine

2% of the web cares

3% of the web cares

18% of the web cares

Who cares?

This was the best we could do

NIH is normal

80% of the web cares

Source: W3Techs
The average PHP programmer has written2.5 frameworks in his career.

— Urban legend statistics

You're not a real PHP developer untilyou've written your own CMS.

Sharing is how Open Source works

Sucking at sharing is howOpen Source dies

That was then

PHP is 18 years old

and is finally growing up

Step 0

Class autoloading

PHP 5.0, 2004

First version

function __autoload($class) {
  $file = some_logic($class);
  include $file;

Useful version


function myproject_autoloader($class) {
  $file = some_logic($class);
  include $file;
If only I my web host offered PHP 5

— Every PHP developer circa 2007

I can't use PHP 5, no hosts support it.—Developers

I can't upgrade to PHP 5, no projects require it.—Hosts

We can't drop support for PHP 4, all the hosts still use it.—PHP Internals

We can't be the first to use PHP 5, we'll lose our users.—PHP projects

5 July 2007

We've decided that we will all be first.

  • Dirty little secret: Symfony, Propel, and Doctrine already PHP 5.

  • 5 July 2007: 6 projects
  • One month later:
    • 100 projects
    • 200 hosts
  • 13 July 2007: PHP 4 EOL announced

Epic. Win.

Why we can't have nice things

Where do I find code? PEAR and, um, blogs? How do I get code? Paste into your repository (or have root) How do I load your code? Autloading How do I load everyone's code? Lots of manual includes Name clashes? YourProject_Before_Every_Single_Function() How can I collaborate on code? Sourceforge? Can I exchange code? LOLz

Step 1



Build software better, together

Better than Sourceforge et al by a wide margin.

2013: PHP leads GitHub

Why we can't have nice things

Where do I find code? PEAR and, um, blogs? How do I get code? Paste into your repository (or have root) How do I load your code? Autloading How do I load everyone's code? Lots of manual includes Name clashes? YourProject_Before_Every_Single_Function() How can I collaborate on code? GitHub Can I exchange code? LOLz

Step 2


PHP 5.3, June 2009


class Zend_Form {}

class Application_Form_Guestbook extends Zend_Form {}

class sfForm() {}

Oh PEAR...

class Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_CSV {}

class Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_CSV_Memory
    extends Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_CSV {}


namespace Zend\Form;

class Factory{}
namespace Zend\Form;

use Zend\Captcha;

$factory = new Factory();
$captcha = new Captcha();
namespace Zend\Form;

use Zend\Captcha;
use Guzzle\Http\Client;

$factory = new Factory();
$captcha = new Captcha();
$guzzle = new Client();

Why we can't have nice things

Where do I find code? PEAR and, um, blogs? How do I get code? Paste into your repository (or have root) How do I load your code? Autloading How do I load everyone's code? Lots of manual includes Name clashes? Namespaces How can I collaborate on code? GitHub Can I exchange code? LOLz

Step 3

The PHP Standards Group

php|tek, May 2009

We're going to have these namespace things,let's use them the same way for a change!

(Smoke not guaranteed)


  • One autoloading standard/convention
  • Java-inspired
  • PEAR-inspired
  • Rudimentary, but enough



new \Some\Class\Name_Here();
include_once $some_root . '/Some/Class/Name/Here.php';
new Guzzle\Http\Client();
// require('/some/root/path/Guzzle/Http/Client.php');




Thrown off, moved to Google Groups

Admitted a few new projects

Slept through 2010

Debated a lot in 2011

Why we can't have nice things

Where do I find code? PEAR and, um, blogs? How do I get code? Paste into your repository (or have root) How do I load your code? Autloading How do I load everyone's code? PSR-0 Name clashes? Namespaces How can I collaborate on code? GitHub Can I exchange code? LOLz

Step 4



Symfony 2.0

  • Initial alpha, Symfony Live Paris, February 2010
  • PHPBB: We're rebuilding on it!
  • Symfony2 uses 3rd party libs (Doctrine, Monolog)

Dependency Hell

We need a dependency system!

It's dumb to make it Symfony specific

—Jordi Boggiano

April 2011

Nils Aderman (PHPBB): libzypp -> PHP

Jordi Boggiano (Monolog): Packagist, front-end for PEAR

With their powers combined...

Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your project for you.

Uhh, what?

  • No more Copy/Paste of libraries
  • Resolves dependencies
  • Each project defines its own requirements
  • Performs build tasks

September 2011

I'd say until early 2012 it was pretty unusable, yet people used it. I guess that's how badly it was needed.

— Jordi Boggiano

Symfony 2.1

September 2012

Composer from the ground up

Package count

June 2014: 33,000 packages

(Not just Symfony!)

Get Composer

# Quick-n-easy:
$ curl -sS | php

# Global
$ curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=bin


Base manifest file for your project

    "name": "crell/myapp",
    "description": "This app is amazing.",
    "require": {
        "guzzle/guzzle": "3.4.*"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-0": {
            "MyName\\MyPackage": "src/"

composer install

Installs all dependencies for your project

$ composer.phar install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev)
  - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v2.3.1)
    Downloading: 100%

  - Installing guzzle/guzzle (v3.4.3)
    Downloading: 100%

symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/http-kernel ()
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files


use Guzzle\Http\Client;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Every class is now yours to command!

// Autoload on demand! Your work: zero.
$client = new Client('');
$request = $client->get('/user')->setAuth('user', 'pass');
$response = $request->send();
echo $response->getBody();

Why we can't have nice things

Where do I find code? How do I get code? Composer How do I load your code? Autloading How do I load everyone's code? PSR-0 Name clashes? Namespaces How can I collaborate on code? GitHub Can I exchange code? LOLz

Step 5

Common interfaces



The organization formerly known as thePHP Standards Group and now represented bythis web site

Became useful in 2012

Renamed to PHP Framework Interoperability Group,June 2012

New (first?) actual process definition, July 2013


Standard logger interface

Inspired by Monolog ... and Drupal


namespace Psr\Log;

interface LoggerInterface {
  public function log($level, $message, array $context = array());

  public function emergency($message, array $context = array());
  public function alert($message, array $context = array());
  public function critical($message, array $context = array());
  public function error($message, array $context = array());
  public function warning($message, array $context = array());
  public function notice($message, array $context = array());
  public function info($message, array $context = array());
  public function debug($message, array $context = array());

PSR-6 (Review)

Unified caching interface

  • Cache "Pools" and "Items"
  • Designed for extensibility
  • Multi-get/set, expiration
  • Stampede protection?

Editor: Yours Truly :-)

PSR-6 (Review)

function get_widget_list() {
    $pool = get_cache_pool('widgets');
    $item = $pool->getItem('widget_list');
    if (!$item->isHit()) {
        $value = compute_expensive_widget_list();
    return $item->get();

PSR-7 (Review)

HTTP Messages

  • Think Symfony\HttpFoundation Jr.
  • Request/Response only
  • Works for clients and servers

Editor: Michael Dowling, Guzzle

PSR-7 (Review)

namespace Psr\Http\Message;

interface MessageInterface {
    public function getProtocolVersion();
    public function getBody();
    public function setBody(StreamInterface $body = null);

    public function getHeaders();
    public function hasHeader($header);
    public function getHeader($header);
    public function getHeaderAsArray($header);
    public function setHeader($header, $value);
    public function setHeaders(array $headers);
    public function addHeader($header, $value);
    public function addHeaders(array $headers);
    public function removeHeader($header);

PSR-7 (Review)

namespace Psr\Http\Message;

interface RequestInterface extends MessageInterface {
    public function getMethod();
    public function setMethod($method);
    public function getUrl();
    public function setUrl($url);

interface ResponseInterface extends MessageInterface {
    public function getStatusCode();
    public function setStatusCode($code);
    public function getReasonPhrase();
    public function setReasonPhrase($phrase);

Yes, we can have nice things

Where do I find code? How do I get code? Composer How do I load your code? Autloading How do I load everyone's code? PSR-0 Name clashes? Namespaces How can I collaborate on code? GitHub Can I exchange code? PHP-FIG standard interfaces

The way to be more productive is to write less code

The way to be more productive is to reuse more code

The way to be more productive is to share more code

The mission...

Drupal needs to evolve, and quickly, from a first-class web CMS into a first-class REST server that includes a first-class web CMS. Hey, look, a first-class HTTP framework!

Drupal 8

  • Symfony2 (HttpFoundation, HttpKernel, DependencyInjection, EventDispatcher, Routing, Serializer, Validator, Yaml)
  • Symfony CMF
  • Zend Feed
  • Doctrine Annotations
  • Guzzle
  • EasyRDF
  • Assetic
  • Twig
  • PHPUnit

Drupal in Symfony

  • Flash Messages
  • BinaryFileResponse
  • Context support in Validator/Serializer
  • Routing improvements
  • Symfony CMF Router
  • Many other odds and ends

More collaboration

  • Doctrine Annotations Performance
  • Guzzle restructuring
  • Zend Feed dependencies

Symfony and Zend

ProxyManager component shared by Zend and Symfony DependencyInjection Component

Great news for Symfony!

The new normal

Given 2 ways to solve a problem,choose the approach that results in less code

in the world

Not Invented Here

Proudly Invented Elsewhere

We are no longer islands

Our world is changing fast.

Let's go somewhere together.

Larry Garfield

Senior Architect,

Making the Web a Better Place

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