On Github CodingFree / Slides-Addons
Created by Mozilla
Spark is a set of tools, customizations, and features built on top of the next generation of the Firefox OS platform
Spark is intended to empower users to customize their experience.
That is why addons comes into play.
Add-ons are a well-known concept in the world of web browsers.
This concept has been added to Firefox OS too!
Add-ons are app packages composed of JavaScript, CSS, and other assets.
A single Firefox OS add-on can extend just one app, several, or all of them.
Lets build our first addon!
This addon will take any screnshot taken with out device and will upload it to IMGUR.
It will be attached to the system app: system.gaiamobile.org
That means that it will inherit the permissions of the target app: since system.gaiamobile.org is certified, the addon will inherit the same permissions.
It must have a manifest file.
It will be a Chrome manifest, quite different from the manifests used for Firefox OS Webapps.
Manifest File Format: Field summary.
{ "manifest_version": 2, "version": "2.0", "name": "IMGUR Screenshots", "description": "Send a screenshot to IMGUR.", "author": "Adrian Crespo, Giovanny Gongora", "role": "addon", "type": "certified", "content_scripts": [{ "matches": ["app://system.gaiamobile.org/index.html"], "css": [], "js": ["imgur.js"] }], "icons": { "512": "/style/icons/512.png", "256": "/style/icons/256.png", "128": "/style/icons/128.png", "90": "/style/icons/90.png", "64": "/style/icons/64.png", "48": "/style/icons/48.png", "32": "/style/icons/32.png", "16": "/style/icons/16.png" } }
The "matches" field is what is used to attach the addon to any app.
It uses origin + entry point (index.html)
The js and css fields are the assets attached to the target.
This manifest.json will be inside the package.
If we want any user to be able to install it we need another manifest.
It will be "update.webapp" and it will be hosted in our Web Hosting. That will let the Hackerplace to find it.
Pro tip: It has its own Content-Type, so check these for steps your hosting.In the content_script field, we specified our script:
"js": ["imgur.js"]
We are attaching that script to a Web App that whose url matches a regular expresion.
We are matching a local app, app://system.gaiamobile.org/index.html, but it could be even a Website, like ["http://www.mozilla.com/*"].
Pro tip: match patterns.
Add-ons only share a proxied version of the content window.
As a result, anything that is written to the window object from an add-on is unavailable to the app code.
However, anything on the window object that is set by app code is available to add-ons. Similarly, the DOM is accessible as usual.
When an app is already running and an add-on that targets it is enabled. in such a case, a window.onload handler won't work.
As a result, anything that is written to the window object from an add-on is unavailable to the app code.
However, anything on the window object that is set by app code is available to add-ons. Similarly, the DOM is accessible as usual.
To prevent an add-on from being injected into a single app instance multiple times, you should check whether your add-on is already present.
I recommend to set a private propery or variable to check whenever it has been loaded.
I usually do it in a constructor.
(function () { function uploader() { console.log("Object created!"); this._started = false; uploader.prototype.start(); } uploader.prototype = { /** * Start to handle screenshot events. * @memberof Screenshot.prototype */ start: function () { console.log("IMGUR Running"); if (this._started) { throw 'Instance should not be start()\'ed twice.'; } this._started = true; window.addEventListener('mozChromeEvent', this); }, /** * Stop handling screenshot events. * @memberof Screenshot.prototype */ stop: function () { if (!this._started) { throw 'Instance was never start()\'ed but stop() is called.'; } this._started = false; window.removeEventListener('mozChromeEvent', this.handleEvent); }, /** * Handle screenshot events. * @param {DOMEvent} evt DOM Event to handle. * @memberof Screenshot.prototype */ handleEvent: function (evt) { switch (evt.type) { case 'mozChromeEvent': if (evt.detail.type === 'take-screenshot-success') { console.log("There is an screenshot available."); if(navigator.onLine){ this.handleTakeScreenshotSuccess(evt.detail.file); } } else if (evt.detail.type === 'take-screenshot-error') { this.notify('screenshotFailed', evt.detail.error); } break; default: console.debug('Unhandled event: ' + evt.type); break; } }, /** * Handle the take-screenshot-success mozChromeEvent. * @param {Blob} file Blob object received from the event. * @memberof Screenshot.prototype */ handleTakeScreenshotSuccess: function (file) { try { var self = this; var fd = new FormData(); fd.append("image", file); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', 'https://api.imgur.com/3/image'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Client-ID 440d44a2a741339'); xhr.onload = function() { var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).data; var imgurURL = data.link; console.log(imgurURL); self.notify('Screenshot uploaded: ', imgurURL, null, true); //const gClipboardHelper = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper); //gClipboardHelper.copyString(imgurURL); }; xhr.send(fd); } catch (e) { console.log('exception in screenshot handler', e); this.notify('screenshotFailed', e.toString()); } }, /** * Display a screenshot success or failure notification. * Localize the first argument, and localize the third if the second is null * @param {String} titleid l10n ID of the string to show. * @param {String} body Label to show as body, or null. * @param {String} bodyid l10n ID of the label to show as body. * @param {String} onClick Optional handler if the notification is clicked * @memberof Screenshot.prototype */ //TODO: l10n notify: function (titleid, body, bodyid, onClick) { console.log("A notification would be send: " + titleid); var notification = new window.Notification(titleid, { body: body, icon: '/style/icons/Gallery.png' }); notification.onclick = function () { notification.close(); if (onClick) { new MozActivity({ name: "view", data: { type: "url", url: body } }); } }; } }; console.log("Lets start!"); var uploader = new uploader(); }());