On Github AshtonKem / Gen-Brownbag-Slides
The difference is how the example data is made.
Unit tests require hand entered behavior
Generative tests require description of possible behaviors, the machine makes the combinations
A series of imperative actions
Simple but tedious to write, easy to debug, easy to miss edges
drag_story = 'Learn to love as humans do' within expand_story(drag_story) do select_in_dropdown '1 point', from: '.estimate' wait_until_empty_command_queue click_save_button end story_preview(drag_story).drag_to(story_preview('Glen identified as hostile')) click_on 'Split Current/Backlog' expect_story_order_to_be_in_one_browser :backlog_102, drag_story, 'Glen identified as hostile'
Depend on describing the "shape" of expected data
Harder to write, much better at catching edge cases
(check-that "Factoring 2 * a prime returns 2 and the prime" 1000 (prop/for-all [prime (gen/elements primes)] (= [2 prime] (prime-factors (* 2 prime)))))
(check-that "The product of primes should factor to the original primes" 1000 (prop/for-all [prime-seq (gen/vector (gen/elements primes))] (= prime-seq (prime-factors (apply * prime-seq)))))
There are 2 kinds of generators, basic and composite
Basic generators produce primitive types like ints and strings
Composite generators used to produce collection types
They can be combined to produce arbitrary complexity
These accept other generators as input, and modify them
List of integers
(gen/vector gen/int)
non-empty list of strings
(gen/not-empty (gen/vector gen/string))
Hashmap with keys :first, :last, and :age
(gen/hash-map :first gen/string-ascii :last gen/string-ascii :age gen/nat)
List of mixed integers and strings
(gen/vector (gen/one-of [gen/int gen/string]))
Generators are nice, but how do we make them work for us?
Reset server state Generate Actions Perform Actions Check client server parityEach test generates a list of hashmaps, each representing an action a user could take.
A single function then runs those actions & checks that nothing horrible happened.
[{:type ::change-state :story 2186 :args [:finished]}]
Easy copy & paste to a unit test for repeatability
Makes generating series of actions very easy
Each type of action has a single function dedicated to execution
Use a mixture of dom state and internal state to validate actions
Isolated and very easy to test for correctness
Tests can touch the database and the browser for verification
The following checks are performed after all actions are run
(defspec ^:selenium change-story-type 20 (prop/for-all [actions (gen/not-empty (gen/vector (gen/hash-map :type (gen/return ::change-type) :story (gen/elements (map :id @stories)) :args (gen/elements [[:feature] [:release] [:bug] [:chore]]))))] (perform-actions actions)))
Or factoring out the reusable action generator
(def type-generator #(gen/hash-map :type (gen/return ::change-type) :story (gen/elements (map :id @stories)) :args (gen/elements [[:feature] [:release] [:bug] [:chore]]))) (defspec ^:selenium change-story-type 20 (prop/for-all [actions (gen/not-empty (gen/vector (type-generator)))] (perform-actions actions)))
(def comment-generator #(gen/hash-map :type (gen/return ::add-comment) :story (gen/elements (map :id @stories)) :args (gen/such-that (fn [v] (= (count v) 1)) (gen/vector gen/string)))) (defspec ^:selenium add-comment 10 (prop/for-all [actions (gen/not-empty (gen/vector (comment-generator)))] (perform-actions actions)))
(def state-generator #(gen/one-of [(gen/hash-map :type (gen/return ::change-state) :story (gen/elements (map :id (filter (comp (partial = "feature") :story_type) @stories))) :args (gen/elements [[:started] [:finished] [:delivered] [:accepted]])) (gen/hash-map :type (gen/return ::change-state) :story (gen/elements (map :id (filter (fn [story] (#{"chore" "bug"} (:story_type story))) @stories))) :args (gen/elements [[:started] [:accepted]]))]))
The Tests
(defspec ^:selenium change-story-state 10 (prop/for-all [actions (gen/not-empty (gen/vector (state-generator)))] (perform-actions actions)))
(defspec ^:selenium mixed-actions 10 (prop/for-all [actions (gen/not-empty (gen/vector (gen/one-of [(comment-generator) (state-generator) (type-generator)])))] (perform-actions actions)))
Aside from spreading the love via pairs, the following changes would improve the tests