On Github AmaanC / dsa-pres
Prepared by Amaan Cheval / @AmaanC
...when I realized I could add GIFs to the slides!
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Definition: Postfix notation is a mathematical notation in which every operator follows all of its operands.
Stack: A last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure.
Operand: a-z || A-Z || 0-9
Operator: /, *, +, -
Looks complicated. Really, though, it isn't.
Let's convert "a+b*c" to postfix using the rules.
int operand(char c) { // Returns 0 if c is an operator // Returns 1 if c is an operand (like a or c) return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); }
int getValueForOperator(char op) { int val = 0; switch(op) { case '/': val = 4; break; case '*': val = 3; break; case '+': val = 2; break; case '-': val = 1; break; default: val = 0; break; } return val; }
int higherPrecedence(char op1, char op2) { // Returns 1 if op1 has higher precedence. 0 otherwise int val1 = getValueForOperator(op1); int val2 = getValueForOperator(op2); return val1 > val2; }We can use it this way:
if (higherPrecedence('+', '*')) { printf("+ is more important than *"); }
char exp[] = "a+b*c"; int i = 0; char result[10]; int resultI = 0; while (exp[i] != '\0') { c = exp[i]; // We now have c, which is the current character. // All our code goes here, in the middle i++; }
if (operand(c)) { result[resultI] = c; resultI++; }
else { // It is an operator if (c == '(') { push(&s, c); } // We'll add more here, for the other rules }
else { // It is an operator // Code for previous rules goes here else if (c == ')') { temp = pop(&s); while (temp != '(' && s.top >= 0) { result[resultI] = temp; resultI++; temp = pop(&s); } } }
else { // It is an operator // Code for previous rules goes here else if (s.top < 0 || higherPrecedence(c, seeTop(&s)) || seeTop(&s) == '(') { push(&s, c); } }
else { // It is an operator // Code for previous rules goes here else { // This means that the operator had a lower precedence than the top of the stack while (s.top >= 0) { temp = pop(&s); result[resultI] = temp; resultI++; } } }
If there's anything left on the stack, after we're done with all the characters
while (s.top >= 0) { temp = pop(&s); result[resultI] = temp; resultI++; }
And we're done!