On Github AdamRoberts / GradlePresentationForHJUG
Open Source by Gradleware (Apache 2.0 license)
class GreetingTask extends DefaultTask { @TaskAction def greet() { println 'Hello World!' } }
task hello(type: GreetingTask)
$ gradle hello :hello Hello World! BUILD SUCCESSFUL
task helloAgain(type: GreetingTask, dependsOn: hello)
$ gradle helloAgain :hello Hello World! :helloAgain Hello World! BUILD SUCCESSFUL
task redundantGreeting(type: GreetingTask) { doFirst { println 'Hello Hello Hello' } }
$ gradle redundantGreeting :redundantGreeting Hello Hello Hello Hello World! BUILD SUCCESSFUL
task helloAndGoodBye(type: GreetingTask) { doLast { println 'Goodbye World' } }
$ gradle helloAndGoodbye :helloAndGoodBye Hello World! Goodbye World BUILD SUCCESSFUL
class ConfigurableGreetingTask extends DefaultTask { def person = 'World' @TaskAction def greet() { println "Hello ${person}!" } } task helloDuke(type: ConfigurableGreetingTask) { person = 'Duke' }
$ gradle helloDuke :helloDuke Hello Duke! BUILD SUCCESSFUL
task version1(type: ConfigurableGreetingTask) { person = 'Duke' doFirst() { println 'Hello Everyone!' } doLast() { println "I hope you are having a good day ${person}" } }
task version2(type: ConfigurableGreetingTask) version2.person = 'Duke' version2.doFirst() { println 'Hello Everyone!' } version2 << { println "I hope you are having a good day ${person}" }
task cleanUp { doFirst() { println 'Cleanup executed' } } task fails { finalizedBy cleanUp doFirst() { throw new RuntimeException() } }
$ gradle fails :fails FAILED :cleanUp Cleanup executed FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. ...
configurations {
runtime { description = "Used at runtime but should not be inherited" extendsFrom compile }
configurations.compile { description = 'You can access an already declared configuration' }Creating a new configuration is easy You can extend an existing configuration to inherit the dependencies You can easily access an already created configuration
dependencies {
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.5'
runtime 'org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:1.7.5'
runtime group: 'org.apache', name: 'tomcat', version: '7.0.34', ext: 'zip'
compile files('libs/a.jar', 'libs/b.jar')
compile("com.sun.jersey:jersey-json:1.12") { exclude group: 'stax', module: 'stax-api' }
}slf4j will be accessed from a declared repository and made available to any task that uses the compile dependency when the configuration's settings need to be overriden for a single artifact they can be File dependencies are never transitive now that we have used the configurations you can see how each one cooresponds to a seperate classpath
repositories {
maven { url "http://repo.mycompany.com/maven2" }
ivy { url "http://repo.mycompany.com/repo" }
flatDir { dirs 'lib1', 'lib2' }
localRepository { dirs 'lib' }
apply plugin: 'example-plugin'The plugin then:
configurations { pluginConf }
class PluginTask extends DefaultTask { @TaskAction def action() { def deps = project.configurations.pluginConf.allDependencies ... do something ... } }
task pluginTask(type: PluginTask)
apply plugin: 'java' sourceSets { newCode }
$ gradle tasks --all :tasks ------------------------------------------------------------ All tasks runnable from root project ------------------------------------------------------------ ... newCodeClasses - Assembles binary 'newCode'. ... compileNewCodeJava - Compiles source set 'newCode:java'. processNewCodeResources - Processes source set 'newCode:resources'. ... BUILD SUCCESSFUL
jettyRun { copy { from 'src/bdd/resources/web.xml' into "${buildDir}/webapp/WEB-INF" } }
jettyRun { doFirst { copy { from 'src/bdd/resources/web.xml' into "${buildDir}/webapp/WEB-INF" } } }