What are we building?
- Guestbook post form
- Guestbook list view
- User registration
- Login and logout
- Access restriction of certain pages
Guestbook post form
- Route GET /guestbook
- Render template guestbook.twig
- Pass the path as submitUrl to the template
- Return the rendered template in a new Response
GIT Branch: workshop/1-guestbook-form
Submitting the form (1)
- Route POST /guestbook
- Use $request->request->get(...) to get the POST data
- Create an array with all the data for the entry:
id (use uniqid())
created (use time())
- name
- message
GIT Branch: workshop/2-guestbook-post
Submitting the form (2)
- Create a function called saveGuestbookEntry($entry)
- Encode the data using json_encode()
- Write the data to a file called files/guestbook-entries.json using file_put_contents()
- Return a RedirectResponse to /guestbook
GIT Branch: workshop/2-guestbook-post
Validating the input
- Create an array called $errors in the post handler
- Add an error message to the array if $name is empty
- Add an error message to the array if $message is empty
- If the array is not empty after validating all the fields:
- Render the guestbook.twig template
- Pass the errors as errors in the options
- Pass an array called formValues with keys name and message
- Return the rendered HTML as a new Response
GIT Branch: workshop/3-guestbook-validation
Guestbook entries
- Create a function called readGuestbookEntries()
- Inside, read the contents of files/guestbook-entries.json using file_get_contents()
- Decode the JSON data using json_decode($data, $assoc) with the $assoc parameter set to true to convert it to an array
- Pass the result of the function wherever you render guestbook.twig as the entries option
GIT Branch: workshop/4-guestbook-entries
User registration
GET /user/registration should render registration.twig and return it in a Response
POST /user/registration should get the values of username, password, passwordConfirmation, name and email
- All values should not be empty, and password and passwordConfirmation should be the same
- In case of errors, render the registration.twig template with errors and formValues
- Otherwise, save the user using a function saveUser($user) (key by username). Afterwards, redirect to /user/login
GIT Branch: workshop/5-registration
User login
GET /user/login should render login.twig with submitUrl
POST /user/login should get username and password from the post data
- Read the user data and compare the passwords
- Incorrect user/pwd: Render login.twig with errors
- Correct username and password:
$app['session']->set('username', ...) to store the username
- Afterwards redirect to /user/profile
GET /user/profile should render profile.twig with username ($app['session']->get(...))
GIT Branch: workshop/6-login
User logout
- On GET /user/profile, add logoutUrl option to template
GET /user/logout
$app['session']->remove('username') to unset the username
- Redirect to /user/login
GIT Branch: workshop/7-logout
Access restriction
GIT Branch: workshop/8-access-control
Bonus challenges
Custom login destinations: Redirect back to the page that was requested before the user logged in
- Pre-fill the user's name in the guestbook form
Simplify the read/write functions: Reduce code duplication by creating a re-usable function for both
- Validate the user's e-mail address on registration